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Bluetooth automatic on/off in car

Posted: 12 Dec 2019 11:41
by Varaloba

Is it possible to automatically connect and disconnect to the car's bluetooth, when entering and leaving the car, have looked through the forums, but cannot find anything specific.

What I would like to do is .....

1. Phone in pocket, automatically connect to car's bluetooth when switching engine on

2. Automatically disconnect from car's bluetooth when switching engine off, and leaving.

If this is not easy, then I will just revert to switching on/off manually.

Thanks for any assistance.

Re: Bluetooth automatic on/off in car

Posted: 12 Dec 2019 18:24
by Desmanto
If you leave the bluetooth on all the time, it is actually doing the same already. Nowadays phone, leaving the bluetooth on all the time almost drain no battery at all. We have a very efficient co-processor which run in low power mode.

But if you concern about the security of the bluetooth itself, then it might be different then. You need to find something that can be used as the trigger, something that always happen when you switch on the car. If the bluetooth is off, then there is no way to detect if the car's bluetooth is there. You have to turn it on periodically using trigger period timer. Set to the latency you can tolerate. Set it to 5s, then it checks too frequently. Set it to 1 minute, then the latency from starting the car until connected can beome that long. So it is up to you.

Using period timer also kinda defeat the purpose. Because the flow will be running also when you are sleeping. You can limit the time range or use other trigger to disable the flow. But that seems too complex for such purpose.

Other trigger you can consider, if you always charge your phone when in car, then you can use trigger Power connected. Or if your phone have NFC, you can put some sticker there and use it to trigger the bluetooth on.

Re: Bluetooth automatic on/off in car

Posted: 12 Dec 2019 18:32
by Varaloba
Thank you, very interesting reply, so in reality, it is best to leave the bluetooth on permanently, which is clearly the best, and simplest option.

Appreciate your time to explain it in simple language.

Re: Bluetooth automatic on/off in car

Posted: 12 Dec 2019 20:24
by Micky Micky
Do you want to do this?

My phone is paired with my car.
My phone bluetooth is on.

I start my car.
It triggers a flow that does things.
I switch off my car.
It triggers a flow that stops doing things.

Note: global_carbtid contains the bluetooth id which you can find using another action and cut & paste it. It will be like: AE:17:B5:6D ... 90e60e704c