Any task that creates a dialler shortcut for calling someone on loudspeaker?

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Any task that creates a dialler shortcut for calling someone on loudspeaker?

Post by joego » 06 Jan 2020 12:55

Im wondering if theres any task that creates a shortcut thatl make it so when this shortcut is activated it calls a specific contact on loudspeaker option – usually when you dial someone it calls them on the quiet option, im wondering if theres any task which creates a shortcut to call a specific person on loudspeaker?

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Re: Any task that creates a dialler shortcut for calling someone on loudspeaker?

Post by Desmanto » 06 Jan 2020 17:59

Yes, it is possible. You need to modify my flow : Auto Speakerphone : viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6962

Use action call number, select the sim card to use. Then use the control UI to click the speakerphone. The element id might be different for each device, you have to find that by your own. By usually most device use the sasme element id as my flow.
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