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Automagic plugin variable format

Posted: 17 Jan 2020 16:37
by craig26576

I am in the process of trying to create a screen update flow using Wake Me Up! alarm's populate variables plugin, so that I can pull the next alarm label.

I am finding that the plugin is returning a result of null, whereas Tasker retrieves the correct value.

I was wondering if there are any differences between using a plugin values in Automagic to that of tasker, for example in tasker % would be used to reference the particular value whereas aI am using {} wrapped around the variable in Automagic.

I know this is not a plugin issue as it occurs for all plugins I attempt to use (AutoNotification for example), and am hoping it's an error on my part for referencing the plugins returned value.


Re: Automagic plugin variable format

Posted: 19 Jan 2020 18:07
by Desmanto
Maybe the variables' name are different when querying using automagic. Try to add condition - debug dialog after the plugin, and scan for all the variables' name to see if it contains what you want. Use that.