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Notification access gets lost

Posted: 05 Feb 2020 20:30
by Madball

I'm using an Honor 8X with Android 9.1
The notification access gets lost every couple of minutes. In the android configuration it is still granted but Automagic is claiming it is not.

Is there a way to fix that?

Re: Notification access gets lost

Posted: 06 Feb 2020 01:04
by Desmanto
Uninstall power genie:

Most power saver/task killer do more harms than benefit. It is the first thing I would disable in every phone/ROM I use.

Re: Notification access gets lost

Posted: 06 Feb 2020 17:41
by Madball
Thanks for your reply.
Juts tried it but the command adb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.huawei.powergenie

Is not working. I guess the part with "user" have to be replaced with some information, but I have no idea which

Re: Notification access gets lost

Posted: 06 Feb 2020 18:48
by Desmanto
the user part is correct. What is your error message? Do you see your device if you type "adb devices" ? Make sure it is connected properly and all adb drivers installed properly.

Other is to check if you have powergenie installed. I never use huawei phone, so don't know if all pie ROM behave the same or not. You can try to check the packagename using

Code: Select all

adb shell pm list packages -e | grep powergenie
If powergenie appear, then you have that in the ROM, which you should be able to uninstall. If you don't have it, probably your ROM have other app that kills. Maybe you need to try other method from the link above.