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share to IG story flow quit working

Posted: 27 Feb 2020 15:42
by tsolignani
Good afternoon everyone.

One of my flows quit working and I don't have any clue as to why.

Please find it attached.

The error I started gotting today is:

Flow SubShareToIG_story ended with an error
Error: Unable to find explicit activity class {}; have you declared this activity in your AndroidManifest.xml?

Last executed: Action Start Activity: android.intent.action.SEND image/jpeg as story

At first, I thought Instagram removed an activity from its app, that even though I keep auto update off, got somehow updated to the last version.

So I uninstalled the app and sideloaded a previous version, some previous versions as a matter of fact. No joy, still.

I have another Android phone, into that phone the flow does work. I checked the Instagram app version installed into that phone and installed the same version into my main phone, a Note 10 plus with Android 9 (I just downgraded from 10, but that's not the culprit, for after the downgrade the flow used to work).

Anyway, event with the same IG app version the flow rises an error.

So the situation is that the same flow works on a phone and stopped working on another one where it used to work and I don't have any clue, I suspect the error has not much to do with the real cause of the error.

Of course I tried to restart the phone just in case but no joy.

Any hint? Anything I could try?

Thank you.

Re: share to IG story flow quit working

Posted: 27 Feb 2020 16:33
by tsolignani
Post scriptum.

If I open the gallery app (the default image app into Samsung phones) and try to share to Instagram I get two entries, feed and story, but story is grayed out (!).

See the attachment.

Thank you.
Screenshot_20200227-173052_Gallery.jpg (264.78 KiB) Viewed 10726 times

Re: share to IG story flow quit working

Posted: 01 Mar 2020 18:31
by Desmanto
I don't have IG to test. T What is the other phone android version that works? What is the device model and ROM version? Samsung have a lot of battery saver or smart manager that can interfere with the system process. This seems to be limitation from the note 10+ ROM itself

Re: share to IG story flow quit working

Posted: 01 Mar 2020 20:25
by tsolignani
Thank you.

Today, as a matter of fact, I managed to make it work, even if I don't know how.

I got into beta for the Instagram app, then updated. After that, it started working again.

I have no clue, I just know it was nothing related to automagic, but with IG or Android.

Thank you anyway for you kind attention and reply.

Have a nice evening.