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Dynamically changing xpath ids

Posted: 11 Apr 2020 06:56
I am new to this automagica tool I was doing of task of automating filling webforms from excel through automagica,I am using browser by xpath method but xpath id is changing for every webpage,I tried using class also but class name are same for all field .Is there a way to select element through label in automagica?Can anyone help as soon as possible

Re: Dynamically changing xpath ids

Posted: 11 Apr 2020 16:06
by BoBo
Just out of curiosity, is it absolutely mandatory that you do this processing localy, at your android device?
Transfering your data to a PC and using powerfull scripting options like AutoHotkey (or equivalents) should do the trick, and would probably lower the stress on your mobile data plan. Once done it could return an error code or whatever confirmation msg you need.

Re: Dynamically changing xpath ids

Posted: 11 Apr 2020 18:42
by Desmanto
@ : I am confused how you fill the element using Automagic. Browser is usually sandboxed, so can't be accessed by Control UI properly. But if it can be accessed by accessibility, then it can be selected using Control UI.

Maybe you can tell us further how exactly you do it, screenshot or maybe form example (replace sensitive data with dummy data).