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In den Entwickleroptionen die ADB Schnittstelle aktivieren.

Posted: 29 Apr 2020 10:29
by doc11
Guten Tag,

ich bekomme es irgendwie nicht hin die ADB Schnittstelle, in den Entwickleroptionen zu aktivieren. (Android 9 LOS)
In die Entwickleroptionen komme ich mit dem Action Typ (Activity starten) und der Action (android.settings.APPLICATION_DEVELOPMENT_SETTINGS)

Hat jemmand eine idee?
Vielen Dank im Voraus.

Re: In den Entwickleroptionen die ADB Schnittstelle aktivieren.

Posted: 29 Apr 2020 15:12
by Desmanto
Hi, I ever use RR ROM which is based on LOS. Now I am on AEX, which is still closely related. I also can't find the shortcut to the developer option.
If I use Action Launch App, choose Settings, I can only find
Which can't be executed to open development settings.

I remember there is a way to open it using action Start Activity, with intent action, but can't find it anymore. I forgot to save it.

Currently I can only build the shortcut using 3rd party, Z-more Shortcut : ... eshortcuts
Use Action Launch Shortcut, build shortcut > choose More Shortcut. Search at the activity for developer option (type "Develop"). I found it at

After created, the action should be named like this.
Launch Shortcut: Developer options (android.intent.action.VIEW,$DevelopmentSettingsDashboardActivity)
Try to execute and it should open developer option.

You maybe have to enable the developer option first by open Settings > About Phone > tap 7 times at Build number.

Re: In den Entwickleroptionen die ADB Schnittstelle aktivieren.

Posted: 29 Apr 2020 16:34
by doc11
Thanks for the info, but you probably did not understand my question.

The developer options are where I can get in, as I wrote in my first post.

The question was how to activate the ADB interface.

Re: In den Entwickleroptionen die ADB Schnittstelle aktivieren.

Posted: 29 Apr 2020 17:12
by Desmanto
Oh, sorry. I google translate your first post. I can't use shortcut to developer option, so I thought you have the same problem.

The adb interface can be enabled right after the developer option > USB debugging (should be around row 10 - 12).

But maybe LOS 16 (Android Pie 9.0) have different option. Can you screenshot the developer option menu?

Re: In den Entwickleroptionen die ADB Schnittstelle aktivieren.

Posted: 29 Apr 2020 20:10
by doc11
I found it too, but how do I activate it?

I can't get to that point with action control UI.
I tried scrollforward, and scrollforwardbyidandindex.
I couldn't get it to do either.

Anybody got any ideas?

I thought it might work with the action start activity at the Extra item with the command (putBoolean(key, value)), but I don't know what to put under "key" if it works at all.

Re: In den Entwickleroptionen die ADB Schnittstelle aktivieren.

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 17:50
by Desmanto
What is your main purpose? To toggle the adb debugging automatically in certain condition?
If you are using LOS, the element id should be similar to mine

Code: Select all

You may need to repeat the scroll and then click on the usb debugging.

Code: Select all

click("USB debugging");
If this is really your main purpose, there is a much better way to toggle the adb, which is from Set Seecure setting. You can see my secure setting logger flow : viewtopic.php?f=3&t=7931

Enable adb once and grant Automagic write secure setting as shown in the thread. Then use Action Set System Setting.
[global] adb_enabled : 1

The category might be different in each ROM, but usually it is at the global. You can find the correct value using my flow.

Re: In den Entwickleroptionen die ADB Schnittstelle aktivieren.

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 23:13
by doc11
Many thanks for the help.

The "[global] adb_enabled : 1" works fine.

But with your flow I didn't find anything to toggle "ADB over network" on.
Is there also such a good way to do this ?

Re: In den Entwickleroptionen die ADB Schnittstelle aktivieren.

Posted: 03 May 2020 10:29
by Desmanto
Adb over network is stored by setting [secure] adb_port : -1 >>> 5555.

Try to enable the secure logger, then turn on you adb network (if you have the toggle or have root command to enable it). Then you can see the value of the key change. I just know that you can change this value from -1 to 5555 or vice versa to toggle the "ADB over network", at least on my AEX 6.7 Pie 9.0 ROm. I used to use

Execute root command

Code: Select all

setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555
stop adbd
start adbd
Or you need to set this using usb adb debug first and it will only work until next restart (have to redo it every phone restart)

With set system setting, you don't need root at all, nor redo at every restart. Simply change this value to 5555 to enable ADB over network and -1 to toggle back to USB adb.