Everytime android 10 switches from night(dark) theme to day(light), my custom widgets dissappear.

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Everytime android 10 switches from night(dark) theme to day(light), my custom widgets dissappear.

Post by p50kombi » 15 May 2020 15:57

Screenshot_20200515-165148_Nova Launcher.jpg
Screenshot_20200515-165148_Nova Launcher.jpg (359.67 KiB) Viewed 16579 times
Hi all,

So I made two custom widgets, with click able actions and an icon changing according to what is selected.
However, every morning I noticed the widgets are missing, they become invisible.
They're still there, as I can click on the area where they are, and the actions work.
After pressing it, they become visible again straight away.
I just now figured out it happens when the phone switches from night theme(dark) to day theme.
However, it never does it at night when it switches from day (light) to night(dark) theme.
I've got it set to change automatically and use nova launcher.
Anyone got any idea how to fix this?

Thanks all
Last edited by p50kombi on 15 May 2020 16:02, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Everytime android 10 switches from night(dark) theme to day(light), my custom widgets dissappear.

Post by Hit » 15 May 2020 23:15

  • Hello, does it change when Screen ON or Screen OFF?
  • Were you there when it was changing OR had you seen it change one or more times?
  • Had you seen that problem on android 9?
  • The widget is:
    • AM Shortcut
    • AM Custom Widget
Please try to answer the questions so it's easier for helping.

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Re: Everytime android 10 switches from night(dark) theme to day(light), my custom widgets dissappear.

Post by p50kombi » 16 May 2020 07:08

Changes when screen is on and off, but mostly when off as when I wake up they are invisible.
I've seen it happen when I changed from dark to light theme,thats how I found out that triggers it.
Never seen the problem on android 9, no. Only on 10.
They are both am custom widgets.

My phone is a Samsung galaxy note 10+ on Samsung oneui 2.1 (android 10) but using nova launcher.

Thanks all.

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Re: Everytime android 10 switches from night(dark) theme to day(light), my custom widgets dissappear.

Post by Hit » 16 May 2020 08:10

So you change theme by Launcher or Android setting?

Have you try change the picture of widget to an app icon and change theme?

Or you can try another Launcher and see how it goes.

If you change Launcher and change widget picture but that problem still happens, I personally think you must wait for the next update.

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Re: Everytime android 10 switches from night(dark) theme to day(light), my custom widgets dissappear.

Post by p50kombi » 16 May 2020 08:22

It's changed by android settings,its set to auto at sunset and sunrise.
The picture changes per action,the WiFi symbol for instance gets replaced by a green one when connected,and the volume gets mote bars,less bars or silent,all different pictures depending.
Behind the widget is a script,updating several settings,like haptic feedback and stuff.
How do you change to dark theme using am?
I tried using the night mode system setting but it doesn't seem to work.

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Re: Everytime android 10 switches from night(dark) theme to day(light), my custom widgets dissappear.

Post by Hit » 16 May 2020 08:54

You can change 3 kinds of setting with Automagic, but be careful because if can break your phone's system if you don't understand and change settings you don't know.

It's very easy, but can be dangerous if you use in a wrong way.

In a flow, you can create an Action of tags: System or search for
  • Set system setting
Carefully read the information on the screen and click button [?] if you want to read Helps section if you want.

This Action allows you to change settings in the three Settings Tables on Android (Global, Secure and System). Default is to change System setting.

Use this Action mean that you must grant permission "Modifiy system setting" for Automagic just to change setting of the Category <System>. If you believe Automagic you can grant it . If you haven't granted the permission there will be a blue bar on the top ask you to grant it.

Before you change the setting, you must know what is that setting. Automagic also have a trigger System setting change for you to watch what setting have changed. You can find yourself by creating another Flow. Or you can read this thread: <Click me> or comment below so I can help you.

And trust me, that action night mode system setting do nothing or you can't even see the effect :)

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Re: Everytime android 10 switches from night(dark) theme to day(light), my custom widgets dissappear.

Post by p50kombi » 16 May 2020 09:04

I'm quite an experienced user, as you can yell by attached screenshots.
The only thing is,both the dark theme and night theme settings don't change my device to dark theme when set to 1.
Is there another system setting i need to change?
Screenshot_20200516-100028.jpg (291.34 KiB) Viewed 16523 times
Screenshot_20200516-100200.jpg (394.09 KiB) Viewed 16523 times

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Re: Everytime android 10 switches from night(dark) theme to day(light), my custom widgets dissappear.

Post by Desmanto » 16 May 2020 17:14

@p50kombi : I am using Nova too, but still on android 9, so can't test this. I use night light, but not switching the theme.

Do you find the value using secure setting logger flow? There might be several setting changed at once. Mine is different with yours. Example, one of the value is [secure] night_display_activated : 1.

I am still typing for my new upgraded secure setting logger, which allow you to see all the changes at once (without root). Hopefully I can upload it tomorrow.
Index of Automagic useful thread List of my other useful posts (and others')
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 (whyred), AOSP Extended v6.7 build 20200310 Official, Android Pie 9.0, Rooted.

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