Hi every one, I am new to this site and hope to get some feed back on this topic.
Is there a way, preferably not too complicated, to add an App to Android's SHARE MENU using AUTOMAGIC or any other way. To be well understood, may be it is best to give a practical example.
From my file manager (X-plore) I long click on an image file (JPG) and then click on SHARE and Android's SHARE MENU opens. The SHARE MENU displays many apps to choose, but the one I am interested called PHOTOLAYERS does not appear. Has any one got an idea what I can do to either add it to the SHARE MENU or any other way to be able to choose which PHOTO EDITOR i want to use.
In fact depending on what I want to do, it is better to use different PHOTO EDITOR apps. I already contacted the apps support of PHOTOLAYERS, but I got no reply.
I also use other PHOTO EDITOR apps and they appear in the SHARE MENU in X-plore. PHOTOLAYERS is very stable, easy to use and has some functionalities other PHOTO EDITORs don't have. That is why I want to have the choice which app I will use.
Similar questions have already been answered, but I can not do much with the provided answers as they are only understandable by experienced Linux and Automagic users. ( I am not a fool and very willing, have strong Windows background inclusif batch files. Very disappointed by Windows I now use an Android TV box as a PC.) So if some one is kind enough to spent a little bit more of his time and could provide an answer understandable by a novice, I would be grateful, and I am sure other Automagic users will also benefit. Surely other Automagic users have already abandoned to post as they did not get replies understandable by them. I hope I will not go through the same experience and have to find out everything about Automagic by myself. I find Automagic a fantastic product. A big Thanks to the developpers!!!
Thanks in advance for any constructive answers.
add App to Android SHARE MENU
Moderator: Martin
Re: add App to Android SHARE MENU
You can't create the share Menu if the app itself doesn't have intent filter declared in the manifest. You can however try to open an image using start Actvitiy. But this doesn't guarantee to work with every app. Example, I am still trying to find a way to share image to google lens activity embedded inside google app (I don't want to install separate google lens app).
First you need to create a flow with trigger Send/Share Intent Received.
Add Action Start Activity
Action : android.intent.action.SEND
Data Uri : {stream_uri}
Explicit Component : Checked
Package Name : packagenameofPHOTOLAYERS
class Name : try with each one you find here.
Next is to enable the flow and try to share image to Automagic. If it works, then the shared image should be opened in Photolayers.
First you need to create a flow with trigger Send/Share Intent Received.
Add Action Start Activity
Action : android.intent.action.SEND
Data Uri : {stream_uri}
Explicit Component : Checked
Package Name : packagenameofPHOTOLAYERS
class Name : try with each one you find here.
Next is to enable the flow and try to share image to Automagic. If it works, then the shared image should be opened in Photolayers.
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Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 (whyred), AOSP Extended v6.7 build 20200310 Official, Android Pie 9.0, Rooted.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 (whyred), AOSP Extended v6.7 build 20200310 Official, Android Pie 9.0, Rooted.