- Trigger on MYNAME
- Sleep 5sec
- Answer ringing call
When I add a fourth step at the end to turn speaker on, then the whole flow fails: the trigger does not work, neither answering the call.
If I suppress the SpeakerPhone step then flow works again.
Why a failing step would make the whole flow fail?
I am getting lost with Automagic, flows seems to randomly work without changing anything.
Deleting all flows seems to clean runtime but after a few attempts a working flow will start failing even without changing anything to the flow.
Code: Select all
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?>
<data version="1.37.0">
<trigger type="notification_status_bar_displayed">
<name>Notification on Statusbar Displayed: PhoneText contains text MYNAME</name>
<action type="answer_ringing_call">
<name>Answer Ringing Call</name>
<action type="set_speakerphone_state">
<name>Set Speakerphone State: On</name>
<action type="sleep">
<name>Sleep: 5s (keep device awake)</name>
<flow type="flow">
<name>Flow1 copy</name>
<triggercontainer id="t1" x="70.0" y="-122.5">
<trigger>Notification on Statusbar Displayed: Phone Text contains text MYNAME</trigger>
<actioncontainer id="t2" x="70.0" y="87.5">Sleep: 5s (keep device awake)</actioncontainer>
<actioncontainer id="t3" x="70.0" y="297.5">Answer Ringing Call</actioncontainer>
<actioncontainer id="t4" x="70.0" y="507.5">Set Speakerphone State: On</actioncontainer>
<connection from="t1" to="t2" type="NORMAL" sourcePosition="SOUTH" targetPosition="NORTH" />
<connection from="t2" to="t3" type="NORMAL" sourcePosition="SOUTH" targetPosition="NORTH" />
<connection from="t3" to="t4" type="NORMAL" sourcePosition="SOUTH" targetPosition="NORTH" />