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Flow execution policy maximum
Posted: 25 Aug 2020 21:33
by Micky Micky
Is there a maximum to the maximum executed actions per minute?
And what is considered an action?
Many thanks
Re: Flow execution policy maximum
Posted: 26 Aug 2020 06:50
by Desmanto
Never try it to the max. I ever use 10000 for the AES and still can be handled. The term "Actions" is somewhat missed, should be "Element" (trigger, condition, action). However trigger is not counted for AES if it has action/condition after it, so you can exclude trigger.
Any element executed after the trigger is counted toward AES. This is denoted by red flash if you open the flow. So if you have multiple parallel expression (to split trigger), those are counted. You have 5 parallel condition executed at once, AES increment by 5. But since only 1 branch continue, only the elements from the continued branch are counted. (other branches are not counted).
You can see my full explanation here :
Re: Flow execution policy maximum
Posted: 27 Aug 2020 14:38
by Micky Micky
I too use 10000 for all my flows.
I was toying with an idea for a flow that would probably melt my phone. I'll do it on the PC instead.
Many thanks