We all can easily agree that Automagic is a fantastic product. Why, then, do so few people know about it? And especially so few in relation to Tasker? It's because Tasker has absolutely the worst, most confusing, most incredibly user-unfriendly interface of any application I've ever seen, so of course Tasker gets countless amounts of free advertising in the form of tutorials, guides, forums etc..
We're the lucky ones. We either stumbled upon Automagic first, or realized later that Tasker really sucks bad, and that maybe there was an equally viable alternative, and did some more looking at automation apps.
But there are a lot of people out there who aren't as fortunate as us. They're the ones who value functionality, but have a little too much patience for their own good. They're willing to sit through endless hours (or days, or weeks) of tutorial videos and guides to be able to do some beginner stuff with their "helpful" automation software.
We need to stop the bleeding!
I've made a Google+ community, posted some tutorial videos, and even posted a few times on the Tasker community about Automagic. (They didn't like it much, but I did get a few of them to try it. Joao Dias too, of AutoVoice fame). But I'm pretty new and also don't have the time or really the need to become an Automagic expert. You guys who know how to do everything there is to do, and who like making fantasic custom widgets, need to make a few "video responses" to some of those innumerable Tasker tutorial videos, to demonstrate just how easy it is to accomplish all those same things with Automagic.
The accursed makers of that terrible, terrible, TERRIBLE Tasker interface are undoubtedly livin' large, raking in the bucks from countless new victims every day, because of all the free advertising their product gets. WE, the lucky people who get to use Automagic, owe it to Martin to spread the word a little bit about the fantastic user experience that we get to enjoy.
And maybe we can save some potential Tasker users a few headaches as well.
Moderator: Martin
I already advertised it in German AutoHotkey forum. But I don't know whether someone tried it.
http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/1 ... ntry642170
http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/1 ... ntry642170
- Posts: 186
- Joined: 12 Feb 2014 01:45
I recommended Automagic instead of tasker, when someone asked for some function for an app and the developer said that the person could try to accomplish it (don't remember what) with tasker. One could have thought I was a sales rep for Automagic 

Best regards,
Well, I did it!bichlepa wrote:I already advertised it in German AutoHotkey forum. But I don't know whether someone tried it.
http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/1 ... ntry642170

And have bought it a minute later

So, yesterday I've read an article about Google ChromeCast (CC) and that Tasker is used as an interface for Android Apps which aren't programmed to deal with CC natively. I'd recommend to create a few sample flows to point out that Automagic is simpler to handle as Tasker to accomplish such things!
@ bichlepa
do you know if there's a tutorial available to script flows using a standard PC editor?
@ Martin
I guess you already saw Chris Mallet's AutoHotkey "Command Reference"? That thing turned out to me as the most helpfull "beginners guide" ever. Keep an eye on the "example"-section for each seperate command. With those examples even an idiot like me was able to extract the relevant things from that geek-sounding description above it. Let's attract those who are deterred by Tasker's complicated handling. As I've learnt in Marketing KISS = "keep it stupid simple" OR "keep it simple stupid". That's the way AutoHotkey fought AutoIT and succeeded.
Your App looks quite promising to me. Keep things going!
PS: mein Englisch ist nicht das Beste. Da der Thread allerdings auf Englisch angelegt wurde musste ich Euch eben foltern

No. But It's possible to exchange any text between the Android device and the computer using my flow clipboard exchanger.BoBo wrote:@ bichlepa
do you know if there's a tutorial available to script flows using a standard PC editor?

I also tried to create a flow whitch allows to use the computer keyboard to write in android but it's very laggy.

Concerning a beginners guide: I've recently read that Martin has not enough time to write such guides. I think it's okay because he is the only one who codes this App. But maybe we could make a community-Wiki for AutoMagic?
androidscriptfree (an editor for JavaScript) seems to offer a similar approach. It might be interesting to see such a feature in Automagic as well. *fingers crossed*No. But It's possible to exchange any text between the Android device and the computer using my flow clipboard exchanger.This way you may send the script from AM to your computer, edit it and then send it back. Unfortunately I didn't find a good syntax highlighting for AM scripts.

Hans-Jürgen Geiß
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