Free version of this app is gone ?

General discussions about Automagic and automation in general

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Re: Free version of this app is gone ?

Post by Autumn-Leigh » 24 Mar 2018 14:29

Desmanto wrote:@digitalstone : I leave the H/W accel on since 1.34.0 and never encounter any problem. So maybe some other app is interfering with Automagic. Try to trace back the last installed app to the date you started to experience this problem.

@Autumn : I also have excluded and Whitelist Automagic from any optimization. The most important thing at my phone is I may not touch the "nuke button" aka kill all, clean RAM, clear all or any similar name in other phone. One I press this, even though Automagic is whitelisted, the accessibility still got killed and some flows will start to be broken. I am avoiding Huawei devices for a while until I can confirm that they work properly with Automagic. So if you have any bug that is not general limitation from the android, let me know. If no major bug happen, I would started to put them back into my next phone upgrade choices.
When i go onto "recent tasks" where you kill it all, i slide automagic down, and it locks it, every so often you have to redo it, and also on the notification access, i put automagic as priority, I have hauwei mediapad x2, custom rom
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