hi again, after more research i'm also using wunderground api.
here is part of my flow (only to get variables - it's not in json format - it supports xml also)
action: HTTP request: "
http://api.wunderground.com/api/API_KEY ... ntalya.xml"
GET - store to variable wea
(in the URL, lang:TR to get Turkish descriptions - wunderground api homepage has help all about those)
action: Script:
cur=evaluateXpathAsString(wea, "//weather");
temp=evaluateXpathAsString(wea, "//temp_c");
tfeel=evaluateXpathAsString(wea, "//feelslike_c");
winds=evaluateXpathAsString(wea, "//wind_kph");
windd=evaluateXpathAsString(wea, "//wind_dir");
updt=evaluateXpathAsString(wea, "//observation_time");
updt=replace(updt, "Last Updated on ", "");
when you add a debug dialog, you can see those variables are always ok and have appropriate strings..