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How to identify if bluetooth is idle or in use?

Posted: 21 Mar 2013 16:58
by rcfree
How can I check if the bluetooth is on and is connected to another device?

I want to disable bluetooth after identify who is active but not in use for a specified time (without being connected to another device).


Re: How to identify if bluetooth is idle or in use?

Posted: 25 Mar 2013 08:45
by Martin

You can use a condition Bluetooth Enabled to check if bluetooth is turned on in general. There also exists a trigger Bluetooth State to execute a flow when bluetooth is turned on/off.
Unfortunately Android does not expose an API to check what bluetooth devices are currently connected so you have to use triggers Bluetooth Device Connected/Disconnected and track the state of a device on your own.


Re: How to identify if bluetooth is idle or in use?

Posted: 25 Mar 2013 14:02
by rcfree
First I would like to congratulate the great application and feedback.

I asked for this information, because the application that used previously (T ****r and A*********t) has this feature and I used to turn my bluetooth automatically when not connected to any device.
Since I'm switching to Automagic for ease of use and great features, wish it was checked by developers the possibility to create this resource as the competitors.

Thank you for your attention.

Re: How to identify if bluetooth is idle or in use?

Posted: 03 May 2013 17:43
by pat2net
Maybe it's too late but i have what you need. ... 060272be75

Re: How to identify if bluetooth is idle or in use?

Posted: 09 May 2019 08:40
by bentley_boswell
to identify if Bluetooth is idle or in use, you could check by pressing Bluetooth icon and see which devices are connected to your device.