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Getting lat/lon instead of address

Posted: 28 Aug 2013 22:32
by jblack

I have a rooted galaxy s4 with automagic premium.

I have written a flow, that upon phone shake, turns on gps and wifi and inits variable location, then performs a notification with the location.

It all works with one exception: The notification, which has a message of "I'm at {location,locationformat}" reports:

I'm at 47.65816,-117.43919

How do I get an address instead of gps lat/lon?

Re: Getting lat/lon instead of address

Posted: 28 Aug 2013 23:43
by Raczo
I just know how show your location on Google Maps:
Start activity
Action: android.intent.action.VIEW
Data URI: geo:XX. XX, XX. XX
I hope i helped a little.
P. S. sorry for my English ;-)

Re: Getting lat/lon instead of address

Posted: 29 Aug 2013 00:36
by jblack
That's good to know, though not quite the answer to my question.

I intend to replace shake to notify with sms in order to locate my phone when it's lost. Showing a google map on my phone won't help me find my phone after I've lost it. =)

Re: Getting lat/lon instead of address

Posted: 29 Aug 2013 16:17
by Martin

The variable {location,locationformat} should be replaced with the address when the Google service knows an address for this location and when a network connection is possible. Is this the case for all locations on your device or only on occasion?
Alternatively you could send a working link for Google Maps to your desktop:{location}
