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Automatic email sync for only 1 account?
Posted: 21 Oct 2013 20:21
by randoodle78
Hello all, I'm new to the forum. I can't seem to find anything that can help me sync one email account at a given time.
I set up a location based flow that will change vibration and sounds when I get to work. I would really like to only sync my Exchange email account while I'm at work during business hours. Anytime after that and I don't want to be bothered!
Does anyone know how to do this?
I tried "Request Sync" for my Exchange account but I can only get it to sync once when the flow first turns on.
My guess would be to create something that periodically syncs this one account?
Re: Automatic email sync for only 1 account?
Posted: 22 Oct 2013 11:41
by Martin
There is no action to change the auto-sync setting for one account only.
You can build a flow that periodically requests a sync for your exchange account:
Exchange syncer
-trigger Periodic Timer: every 5m
-action Request Sync: Exchange
You can enable/disable the flow using your location based flow:
-action Set Flow State: Enable Exchange syncer resp. Set Flow State: Disable Exchange syncer
Re: Automatic email sync for only 1 account?
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 07:49
by tourdetor
This is almost 2 years ago. How about now? There is an option for choosing spesific mail and sync, but it says experimental.
Re: Automatic email sync for only 1 account?
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 15:30
by Martin
You can use an action Set Auto Sync State to switch on/off auto sync for one particular account and/or authority. You can also use action Request Sync to start a sync from a flow once.
Where exactly do you see the experimental label?
Re: Automatic email sync for only 1 account?
Posted: 16 Jun 2015 16:19
by tourdetor
Thanks for your answer, Martin.
Little bit new to automagic, so not sure what I'm doing at all. Simple flows only.
How is the attached flow looking?
Re: Automatic email sync for only 1 account?
Posted: 16 Jun 2015 16:51
by tourdetor
Or is this better? Must they both be used at once? Have a feeling that I'm making things more complex than necessary
Re: Automatic email sync for only 1 account?
Posted: 16 Jun 2015 18:27
by Martin
You are using trigger Auto Sync State: on which means that your flows will be executed exactly once when the global auto sync setting is turned on.
Do you want to enable auto-sync for the exchange account between a certain time range every weekday?
I would probably go for the following solution that requires two simple flows:
Enable Sync Flow:
-trigger Time: Mon-Fri 06:30
-action Set AutoSync State: On for <your account> *
Disable Sync Flow:
-trigger Time: Mon-Fri 15:00
-action Set AutoSync State: Off for <your account> *
Use * in field authorities to disable all sync components of the account.
Re: Automatic email sync for only 1 account?
Posted: 16 Jun 2015 20:21
by tourdetor
Strange thing. That is how I had it setup (tested and working), but since today my exchange mail started receiving mail after given time of sync disabled. I have had a global sync going on as well, but with sync for exchange disabled earlier then the global. This should/could work? I will try again. Will give feedback.
Re: Automatic email sync for only 1 account?
Posted: 18 Jun 2015 22:37
by tourdetor
Doesn't work. Can't stop receiving mail completely (from this single exchange accoynt) unless I disable the global auto sync.