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Email Differentiation

Posted: 03 Aug 2015 08:20
by Benny Mills
Hello all,

Another Newb question, but I am wondering if there is a way to do this. I have 4 different email addresses that I need differentiated. Two seperate work addresses and two personal. I would like each one to have a different vibration pattern (no sound). And for work emails, I would like a follow-up reminder on any new emails that I haven't checked, but not for personal accounts. I also don't know if it is possible to syphen through emails (to avoid Facebook or other social media performance updates).

I don't know if this makes a difference or not, but all of the email accounts are through different email providers.

Re: Email Differentiation

Posted: 03 Aug 2015 18:28
by Martin

You could detect the mail notification with trigger Notification on Statusbar Displayed and use one of the provided variables to determine the mail account. Gmail usually shows the mail account in variable notification_sub_text so you could use a condition Expression: notification_sub_text=="" to check if it's for a particular mail account and execute some actions. Other mail clients might not provide the account information in the same way.
You could also use the same mechanism to detect the sender of the mail and ignore Social media mails.


Re: Email Differentiation

Posted: 04 Aug 2015 08:39
by Benny Mills
Hi Martin,

Thanks for the reply. This seems to work for Gmail, but I can't figure it out for my email address through this provider. If I have all 4 email addresses merged in Outlook, would that help?

Re: Email Differentiation

Posted: 04 Aug 2015 19:49
by Martin

I'm not using the Outlook app so I'm not sure if you can detect the accounts in the notifications. You could create a flow with condition Notification on Statusbar Displayed and a condition Debug Dialog to check what text values are available for a notification posted by the Outlook app.


Re: Email Differentiation

Posted: 05 Aug 2015 07:06
by Benny Mills
Fantastic! Martin, thanks so much. I will try this out and let you know how it goes.

Re: Email Differentiation

Posted: 18 Dec 2015 11:32
by TonyCox
What host are you with? Really depends on that I think, I have several email accounts for various things and have them all synchronized to my phone. I'm with 1&1 and would really reccomend using them if you are looking for somewhere reliable for your email accounts, they have loads of email addresses. I'll leave the link below for your consideration.