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Problems with GSM location and WLAN

Posted: 27 Jan 2016 13:07
by Pinfeed

I bought Automagic yesterday, and I've some questions ;-)

I tried to switch WLAN on and off, when at home. But I've a little problem. Inside my house, I've no GSM connection in all rooms. If I went into the basement, the flow switched WLAN off, because there is no GSM connection.
Is there a way to hold the WLAN in on state, until I leave the current cell, or I reached another cell? I have no WLAN connection in all rooms, so it's not a good Idea to check if WLAN is connected. ;-)

Second Question: I know the cell's arround my house (using Llama before Automagic). Can I write the cell under "CELL ID (CID) LISTE"? And how th separate? With a comma or a semicolon?

EDIT: Second Question is alreday clear - RTFM ;-)

Re: Problems with GSM location and WLAN

Posted: 27 Jan 2016 20:52
by Martin

You could use a trigger Phone Cell GSM with Disconnected to execute a flow when you leave the defined cell list/area. Some phones provide strange values for the cell id when disconnecting so you might have to add -1, 0 or a similar value to the field Cell ID (CID) List to Ignore. Recording the cells with the start-button should also record such strange cells and should allow to select the cell id using the [...]-button.


Re: Problems with GSM location and WLAN

Posted: 27 Jan 2016 20:54
by TraianC
You can use condition Network Connected to check if your phone is connected to a network. In your basement this condition should return FALSE and in this situation don't turn off WiFi.

Re: Problems with GSM location and WLAN

Posted: 01 Feb 2016 16:23
by Pinfeed
Thank you for your fast information. I've two new problems.
Using Network Connections works not realy good. In both cases, yes and no, my WLAN switched of. But I must make some more tests, so I don't know realy, wht kind of connection is tested.

My second problem: I've all Cell IDs from the places, I want to switch on my WLAN. But when I wrote this IDs in the CellID List, nothing happens. Only when teaching the cells around works. The teached cell id's are the same, as the id's I typed in :-(

Any suggestions?

Thank you :D

At the moment I think it's easier to write a little script ;-)

EDIT: All problems solved. First flow runs perfect.