Calendar trigger at Event Start

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Calendar trigger at Event Start

Post by 1-2-Hak » 08 Aug 2016 00:07

I was hoping someone can help me with this flow.

I am looking at google traffic to see how busy it is to work and want to use that information to trigger a Calendar event alert early if the time is greater than a certain amount. (To wake me up ealier)

I cant see how to use a variable as a Trigger at Event Start. Can this be done?


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Re: Calendar trigger at Event Start

Post by Martin » 08 Aug 2016 18:42


The trigger does not support variables at the moment. Not sure how dynamic your flow must be but you could build a flow that triggers half an hour early and then checks if the traffic is bad and then wakes you up early. The regular flow would wake you up normally when the traffic is OK.

Alternatively you could also build a flow with a trigger Periodic Timer: every 15m that searches for the interesting calendar events with action Query Content Provider and then checks if one of the events qualifies to wake you up now.


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