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Vibration is not turned on

Posted: 10 Mar 2017 06:59
by Merlin123

just made my first steps with Automagic on my LG G5 (Android 7).
I've created a flow that shut set the volume to zero and vibration on when I'm in my office.
Now I have two questions:
I'm using "periodic location update" (Don't know if this is the correct translation, I'm using the german UI).
Then I have a condition which checks if I'm in a defined area with "Ankunft" (Arrival?) checked. The log tells my, that the flow is executed. But it's executed every minute. What needs to be changed so that the flow is triggered only once when I arrive in this area?

Second question:
Muting the volume worked well, but switching on vibration seems to have a problem. The icon in the task bar showed, that the phone is set to silent. How can I fix this?

Re: Vibration is not turned on

Posted: 10 Mar 2017 21:50
by Scotty
I have a lot of location flows, so I'll try to answer Q1.

Let's say your flow is named "In office area" (we'll refer to this name later).

If I were you, I'd have the flow disabled by default. There is little point in having a location flow like this running all the time, when you're not going to be heading into the office (e.g. nights, weekends), or when you're actually in the office. You want it to be enabled only when the "in office area" condition is likely to CHANGE.

So, e.g. when you're driving to the office, enable the flow. I have a "Drive Mode ON" flow that runs whenever I place my phone into my car charger; that flow enables all of my location flows.

After you have enabled it, the flow isn't triggered when you arrive in the area. It is triggered by the Frequency setting in the Periodic Location Update trigger. So you enter an appropriate setting there. For example, when I'm in my car, my location flows execute every 30 seconds.

Every time the location flow is triggered, it checks your Condition / Location. If you have checked only the "Arrival" box, then the Condition will return TRUE only when you make the transition from outside the defined area to inside it. Otherwise, it will return FALSE. So, the flow executes with the frequency that you've set; as you drive to your office, the condition will return FALSE, until such time as you have entered the defined area; when the flow is next executed (remember, this is triggered by Frequency, NOT by entering the area) the condition will return TRUE. So, you can now follow that with the Action / Set Flow State / Disable flow "In office area", so the flow isn't draining your battery while you're in the office.

Although I have recommended, above, ending your flow with the Disable flow action, I don't do that in my own location flows, because I disable the all of them en masse: when I arrive in my office parking lot, my phone detects my office wifi, and that triggers a "Drive Mode OFF" flow, which (among other things) disables all of my location flows.

Then, when I leave work, I turn Drive Mode ON again, re-enabling all of my flows. Note that, if you want to detect when you LEAVE the office area, you need a Condition / Location in which the "exiting" box is checked. Two ways to do this: (i) have two separate conditions, one that checks for Entering. the other for Exiting; or (ii) have a single location condition, with BOTH boxes checked. If you do this second one, then it will return TRUE when you enter OR exit the area. To distinguish between the two, you can follow that condition with the Condition / Expression :

entering == true

That condition returns TRUE if you've entered the area, and FALSE if you've exited the area.

Re: Vibration is not turned on

Posted: 10 Mar 2017 21:58
by Merlin123
Thanks for this hint.
So I need a second workflow to reenable it when I leave the office area, right?

Re: Vibration is not turned on

Posted: 10 Mar 2017 22:02
by Scotty
Merlin123 wrote:Thanks for this hint.
So I need a second workflow to reenable it when I leave the office area, right?
You were too quick for me - I was editing my post while you were reading it !!! The edited version (above) actually answers this question (my Drive Mode ON flow enables all of my location flows) and I think it's also laid out a bit more clearly than my first attempt.

The reason I usually disable my GPS-based location flows (except when I am driving) is because if I ran each location flow every 30 seconds, it would drain the battery. I spend all day at the office - there is no point in having any of those Periodic GPS-based location flows running.

Note though that if you DO choose to keep the flow enabled while you are in the office, you can make your Condition / Location (Am I in the office area) "ignore" your location by unchecking the "Inside" box at the very bottom of the screen in Condition / Location / Accept Every Update. But, as I say, the flow would still be executed (with the Frequency that you have set it to).

Good luck !