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Lock device and fingerprint scanner

Posted: 22 Sep 2017 08:51
by sergeygals
Hi, First I want to thank for the excellent program
I try to create flow with lock device and have found that I can't use fingerprint after using 'lock device'. The fingerprint is not working, lock screen accept only pin and I can screen on only with power button.
It seems that the action 'lock device' is disable fingerprint. Is it possible to add option to not disable fingerprint ? I try to add 'Set Disabled Keyguard Features ' without selected features but this is not helps

Re: Lock device and fingerprint scanner

Posted: 22 Sep 2017 09:05
by Martin

Unfortunately Android provides only one API to lock the device and this function disables the fingerprint scanner for security reasons. Android provides no option to change this behavior for apps like Automagic.
On a rooted device you could use action Execute Root Command: input keyevent POWER to simulate pressing the power button to turn the screen off.


Re: Lock device and fingerprint scanner

Posted: 22 Sep 2017 09:32
by sergeygals
Thanks for fast answer !
Something like that I expected :(
Bye bye idea to lock device  instead google assist :)

Re: Lock device and fingerprint scanner

Posted: 22 Sep 2017 14:15
by Bingwu

I will try this tip from Martin on my Samsung Galaxy S7 edge. ... 127#p18852
Martin wrote:I'm not sure how the feature works in Nova but you could achieve something similar by setting the screen off timeout temporarily to a very short duration. The action allows to go down to 15s. Alternatively you could use an action Set System Setting with category System, Name screen_off_timeout and a value like 5000 (five seconds in milliseconds).


Re: Lock device and fingerprint scanner

Posted: 25 Sep 2017 13:47
by sergeygals
Thank you guys !
It's good for me
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