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How do i make a phone call flooding flow?
Posted: 07 Feb 2018 21:49
by temp0rary
I am trying to make a call flooder/spammer with automagic, but have not come very far.. It works, but lets say that i call a number and there is no answer and then the voicemail comes up. I want to make a call, and when there is no answer and the voicemail starts, i want to end the call when the voicemail starts, and then call again. In a loop. (Dont want the voicemail to start.) Can't be that hard right?
(Also, perhaps send an sms with every call, but i do not need to do that.)
Can anyone help out with experience in this app? I kinda bought it because i wanted to try that out first. (But i realize i can do so much more, and that's awesome. Just want to start with this task.)
Re: How do i make a phone call flooding flow?
Posted: 08 Feb 2018 13:09
by Desmanto
I'll leave the legality part to you. I don't know the situation. Depends on the usage and intention, it is unlawful to do so in certain country/state. Even it is to revenge on the spammer, sometimes it is still can get you into trouble.
I thought it will required additional flow and several loop element. But after I tried it, the core element only require call Number and Control UI (need accessibility).
1. Call Number : the number you need and using which sim slot (if dual sim phone)
2. Control UI. The script will depends on your phone, I can't help you much on this. You got to figure the element out by yourself, using the Show Overlay Control. At mine, I still have to select the SIM 1 or 2, even I've set it in step 1. You will need to check on something that state the phone is in dialing process. At my phone, it is at, where the text is "Dialing". I check against this and if the text is not "Dialing" anymore, then it means the call is connected. We need to end the call immediately after this. My phone can't use the End Call action, so I just use the same Control UI to tap the end call button, at Then sleep for several seconds, loop back to call. This is the example of my Control UI script.
Code: Select all
while(getTextById("") == "Dialing")
Just saying that this is not effective. The recipient can simply block your number and they won't be disturbed anymore. Or they can their just enter the airplane mode temporary, call to the operator using another number and report you abusing the service.
Re: How do i make a phone call flooding flow?
Posted: 08 Feb 2018 15:39
by temp0rary
Thanks. Will try it out.
I will not abuse this in an unlawful way. Just curious to how the flow chart would look. But will try it out. Thanks for the help.
Re: How do i make a phone call flooding flow?
Posted: 08 Feb 2018 17:33
by temp0rary
Well, i'm new to this app but it seems to be awesome. I can't code or anything. (Just changed the sleep time because that should work and did.)
But i am alright with technology..
Could not get your script to work, but i tried this with a long sleep, and it made the job done.
Then i just repeated. I could send a sms with every call if i wanted also.
Need to check out some scripts by users on here. This software seems powerful, and guess i can do almost what i want with it. Was a good buy.
Need to check permissions later on and the privacy policy of this app later on. Just good to know.
Thanks for the help.
Re: How do i make a phone call flooding flow?
Posted: 09 Feb 2018 16:38
by Desmanto
The core flow chart just that 2 actions.
Call Number
Control UI
Then, from Control UI connected back to Call Number, creating infinite loop. You can expand the idea, by using script before call number, set a counter to some number, example : counter = 10. In Control UI, deduct the counter by 1 for every execution. Then before looping back to call number, add expression to check if the counter is 0, then stop the execution. So it only repeat for 10 times.
You can also create additional flow to stop the execution by setting the counter to 0. Yeah, it is usually limited to your imagination (and limited to what android can do).
The control UI part, you should find anything that change when call connected. If you are using sleep(35000) only, and the person answer the call during the sleep, you will still be connected up to 35 seconds; wasting unnecessary fee. Enable Show Overlay button and make a call to free of charge number (usually each operator has special number which is free of charge). Observe the whole Call Interface and check which element changes when call connected. Use that as the check.