add App to Android SHARE MENU
Posted: 14 Jun 2020 22:46
Hi every one, I am new to this site and hope to get some feed back on this topic.
Is there a way, preferably not too complicated, to add an App to Android's SHARE MENU using AUTOMAGIC. To be well understood, may be it is best to give a practical example.
From my file manager (Xplore) I long click on an image file (JPG) and then click on SHARE and Android's SHARE MENU opens. The SHARE MENU displays many apps to choose, but the one I am interested called PHOTOLAYERS does not appear. Has any one got an idea what I can do to either add it to the SHARE MENU or any other way to be able to choose which PHOTO EDITOR i want to use.
In fact depending on what I want to do, it is better to use different PHOTO EDITOR apps. I already contacted the apps support of PHOTOLAYERS, but I got no reply.
Thanks a lot.
Is there a way, preferably not too complicated, to add an App to Android's SHARE MENU using AUTOMAGIC. To be well understood, may be it is best to give a practical example.
From my file manager (Xplore) I long click on an image file (JPG) and then click on SHARE and Android's SHARE MENU opens. The SHARE MENU displays many apps to choose, but the one I am interested called PHOTOLAYERS does not appear. Has any one got an idea what I can do to either add it to the SHARE MENU or any other way to be able to choose which PHOTO EDITOR i want to use.
In fact depending on what I want to do, it is better to use different PHOTO EDITOR apps. I already contacted the apps support of PHOTOLAYERS, but I got no reply.
Thanks a lot.