EAP version 1.38.0-dev

Forum to discuss everything related to the current development build of Automagic.

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Re: EAP version 1.38.0-dev

Post by igoryan94 » 01 May 2019 06:37

So, after a reboot there is a bug with Accessibility services again. This is a very stupid thing to reinstall an Automagic every reboot...
Now I have installed a stable version 1.37, with my older flows version also, and it just works normally!
Restored my flows updates from new version and they work good.
Fix this bug please.

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Re: EAP version 1.38.0-dev

Post by Martin » 01 May 2019 20:03

There was no change in the notification listener/accessibility area and I can't reproduce it on my main test device. It might be caused when the app is installed from a downloaded APK and not by Google Play maybe.
Starting those two services and granting the permission is something Android has to do. An app does not have the permission to start the services on its own or grant the permissions in case the system disabled the permissions for some reason.
Please also check that battery optimizations are turned off for Automagic. Some manufacturers provide battery optimizations that could affect side loaded apps and prevent that services are started after a reboot.


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Re: EAP version 1.38.0-dev

Post by Martin » 01 May 2019 20:14

@anuraag: about the overlay only covering half the navigation bar: did you cover half the navigation bar on purpose or is it not possible to cover the entire navigation bar? When you show a smaller widget with clickable, draggable and don't restrict position, can you drag the widget over the entire navigation bar or does it stop moving in the middle of the navigation bar?

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Re: EAP version 1.38.0-dev

Post by anuraag » 01 May 2019 20:40

@Martin my phone's display size is 1080x1920. So i have created a widget with 1920x1920 (setting value greater than phone's height not possible i think as i am getting invalid value error). In Show Custom Widget Overlay i have left height and width blank. With these setting navigation bar coves half.
But since you asked i have created a widget to move on navigation bar. It is moving on complete navigation bar. But there is a glitch when it reaches half of navigation bar. It hangs for a moment.

Then i have entered height values in Show Custom Widget Overlay to 2040 which covered full navigation bar.

So its working but need to set higher value than phone's real height.

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Re: EAP version 1.38.0-dev

Post by Philip » 01 May 2019 21:42

Martin wrote:
01 May 2019 20:03
There was no change in the notification listener/accessibility area and I can't reproduce it on my main test device. It might be caused when the app is installed from a downloaded APK and not by Google Play maybe.
I wonder if the downloaded APK may be relevant - as I reported earlier in this thread, I have also had problems with EAP 1.38.0 and Automagic not starting after a reboot. I have tried uninstalling and re-installing, have checked for battery optimisation, and all other settings with no effect. EAP 1.37 always started automatically with no problems. (Still doesn't explain why some of us are having problems, and others - yourself included - are not seeing any issues).

I know that you previously were reluctant to make Beta versions available through the Play Store - is there any chance of revisiting that decision?

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Re: EAP version 1.38.0-dev

Post by igoryan94 » 02 May 2019 16:33

Martin wrote:
01 May 2019 20:03
There was no change in the notification listener/accessibility area and I can't reproduce it on my main test device. It might be caused when the app is installed from a downloaded APK and not by Google Play maybe.
Starting those two services and granting the permission is something Android has to do. An app does not have the permission to start the services on its own or grant the permissions in case the system disabled the permissions for some reason.
Please also check that battery optimizations are turned off for Automagic. Some manufacturers provide battery optimizations that could affect side loaded apps and prevent that services are started after a reboot.
Thank you for the answer. I understand. Yes, I added the app to the power saving process exceptions when I installed the EAP version. In fact, if I hadn't added the app to the exceptions, the problem would have come out. I won't update the app yet, and when you make a stable version, I'll try again, with backups. It is a pity that such a problem occurs at all - your application does not have real competitive alternatives. Thanks for your help.
Philip wrote:
01 May 2019 21:42
I know that you previously were reluctant to make Beta versions available through the Play Store - is there any chance of revisiting that decision?
It reminds us of something that can bring us closer to solving such problems... But that's just my opinion.

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Re: EAP version 1.38.0-dev

Post by Martin » 03 May 2019 19:31

@anuraag: What device are you using? What size does command adb shell wm size show? Maybe there's some kind of scaling going on. Did you modify your device in any way that could affect the display size or scaling in some way?

@Philip & igoryan94: I'm still reluctant after all the Google Play issues lately. Maybe I could provide an EAP in the regular way and at some point, when I consider the new version mostly stable, provide a beta track in Google Play (but no promises yet)

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Re: EAP version 1.38.0-dev

Post by anuraag » 04 May 2019 00:11

I am using Moto G5 Plus with stock Android 8.1. adb shell wm size returns 1080x1920. I have changed display size from Default to Small using option available in android setting >> Display >>Display Size. I have also tested with default size.

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Re: EAP version 1.38.0-dev

Post by Martin » 05 May 2019 15:16

I'm out of ideas where the sizing/position problem comes from. When you set the size of the overlay to 1080*1920 and use "show preview", are the red borders visible on all four sides? Maybe the overlay get's positioned slightly outside the viewport (at the top of the screen) for some reason.

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Re: EAP version 1.38.0-dev

Post by anuraag » 05 May 2019 17:02

Looking at screenshot i think only right and bottom side red lines visible.
screenshot.png (95.57 KiB) Viewed 64045 times
Edit: Solved. I have set gravity to center which was causing issue. Setting gravity to top/bottom works.
