EAP version 1.24.0-dev
Posted: 28 Jun 2014 12:05
This forum is used to give interested users access to the next version of Automagic currently in development.
The early access version is only lightly tested and might still contain serious bugs. The quality of EAP versions can at times be even way below usual beta standards.
Use at your own risk!
Ensure to create a backup before you install an EAP version.
1.24.0-dev (2014-09-11)
** This function requires root access, is not officially supported by Android and might not work on all devices.
Ensure to create a backup before you install an EAP version.
Download: Automagic.apk (updated 2014-09-11)
The early access version is only lightly tested and might still contain serious bugs. The quality of EAP versions can at times be even way below usual beta standards.
Use at your own risk!
Ensure to create a backup before you install an EAP version.
- The EAP version will replace the Google Play version of Automagic on your device. Flows opened, saved and created with the EAP version will usually not be compatible with old versions of Automagic so it is highly recommended to create a backup of your flows, widgets and variables before you start using the EAP version (create a backup of the folder /<sdcard>/Automagic)
- Unknown sources needs to be enabled in the settings of Android to install the EAP version.
- Please report bugs and problems found in the EAP version in the EAP forum or by mail to info@automagic4android.com
- Don't share flows created using the EAP version in the regular flow sharing area since users of the released Automagic version will not be able to use the new triggers, conditions and actions. Feel free to share flows in the EAP forum.
- The EAP version only works for about 2 weeks. Please install a new EAP version when the old one expires or install the released version available in Google Play.
1.24.0-dev (2014-09-11)
- new trigger WiFi Tethering State *
- new condition Battery Level BLE (Experimental)
- new action Set Immersive Mode *
- new action Delete App Cache **
- new action Init Variables Media Metadata
- new action Set Live Wallpaper **
- new action Init Variables Network Traffic
- new action Delete Flows
- fixes some root issues on Android L developer preview
- added possibility to add Android Wear actions in action Notification on Statusbar. Android Wear actions allow to specify a list of input values and/or voice input that can be processed in Automagic in variable input_value.
- added new notification icons in action Notification on Statusbar
- actions Execute Flows, Export Flows/Widgets, Set Flow State, Stop Flows check that at least one flow exists per defined pattern to catch typos and renamed flows
- notification triggers/conditions provide additional variables notification_when, notification_ticker_text and notification_large_icon when available
- added hint to condition App Task Running that the condition will not work anymore starting with Android L
- untangled sound type and playback audio stream in action Sound, sound is stopped when flow is stopped and option Wait for sound to finish is checked
- added support to play arbitrary sound files to action Sound
- script editor checks if accessed variables/functions are available
- added option to execute trigger Periodic Timer at fixed times/anchored at midnight/at From when limited time range is used
- added option to show only a circular part of an image on a custom widget
- added option to specify which event should be filled into variables in condition Calendar Event when multiple events match
- added support for Glob patterns to trigger NFC Tag when existing tags are used
- added option to specify a title, the back button behavior and the labels of the yes/no button in condition Confirmation Dialog
- added script function getExternalStorageDir to get the absolute path to the primary external storage of the device
- added script function shuffleList to randomly shuffle the elements of the list
- added script function convertNull to get the value of a variable or a default value when the variable contains null
- added script function getFlowNamesByGroup to get the list of flows in a group
- added script function getFlowGroupNames to get the list of flow groups
- minor enhancements and bug fixes
** This function requires root access, is not officially supported by Android and might not work on all devices.
Ensure to create a backup before you install an EAP version.
Download: Automagic.apk (updated 2014-09-11)