It would be very useful to be able to send messages by telegram. Telegram has an API through which messages can be sent without fail to use the app telegram. many things instead of sending by email, could be sent by telegram.
and if we add the more l can send and receive messages in bluetooht serial, automagic would become super excellent.
Best Regards.
Telegram api
Moderator: Martin
Re: Telegram api
Last time I checked the API was slightly more complicated than I wished for. For other technical reasons it might be a good idea to write a plugin for this. This would have the advantage that it also works with other automation tools like Tasker.
Unfortunately I don't have the time to write such a plugin at the moment. The same more or less applies to bluetooth serial
Last time I checked the API was slightly more complicated than I wished for. For other technical reasons it might be a good idea to write a plugin for this. This would have the advantage that it also works with other automation tools like Tasker.
Unfortunately I don't have the time to write such a plugin at the moment. The same more or less applies to bluetooth serial
Re: Telegram api
Martin, since Whatsapp sucks so bad, my only hope left is telegram. I wish i could pay you good money to focus on telegram, but im probably broke. Maybe i could wash your car everyday just for this feature.