Index of useful thread
Moderator: Martin
Index of useful thread
Index of useful thread
This is the index of my own documentation. After hanging around in this forum for 2 months, I have posted quite enough. It started to be difficult to find even my own post. So I just link them up and put them here, to help me easier to refer to any of the suitable tutorial that I have answered before. It maybe will be helpful for those who want to find some alternative or solution. Most of the ones linked here have my own post inside or any interesting/useful reference. So if your detailed post is not linked here, probably I missed it or maybe have been answered/linked in the post below as well. For Flow Sharing, I can't link all here. I only link the ones with a lot of view, have a detail explanation on how to use it, or updated from time to time. I might try to update this list or change the structure from time to time.
I. General
A. Automagic Official Tutorial
1. Basic Concepts DO_0001 | A003 = Introduce the basic concept of Automagic
2. Creating the first flow DO_0002 | A003 = Step by step Tutorial to create a flow
3. Creating a Custom Widget DO_0003 | A003 = Step by step Tutorial to create a widget
4. Explanation of Main User Interface DO_0004 | A003 = Explain each User Interface usage
B. Automagic Help and Various Documentation
1. List of Available Triggers DO_0005 | A003 = Documentation of Triggers including the parameter
2. List of Available Conditions DO_0006 | A003 = Documentation of Conditions including the parameter
3. List of Available Actions DO_0007 | A003 = Documentation of Actions including the parameter
4. List of Script functions and explanation DO_0008 | A003 = Script Action explanation (since this is very long, so a good idea to direct link it)
5. Inline Expressions DO_0009 | A003 = Using Variable inside string
6. List of Control UI functions DO_0010 | A003 = List of Control UI specific Action (you can only use this in Control UI, not in script action)
7. Date Format Pattern DO_0011 | A003 = Pattern for dateformat
8. Number Format Pattern DO_0012 | A003 = Pattern for numberformat
9. Regular Expression Pattern DO_0013 | A003 = Pattern for regex, various example of regex. You can test it in built-in Regex Tester inside Script action
10. Script Example DO_0014 | A003 = Various of Script Examples. (I will post mine in the future)
C. Automagic vs Tasker
1. Automagic vs Tasker (Long Comparison) AM_6809 | A001 = A long explanation how automagic compared to tasker and why I switched
2. Automate by Llamalabs AM_3867 | A002 = Comparison to Automate
3. Tasker User --> Automagic Questions AM_7217 | A003 = Tasker Event, State, Exit Task vs Automagic's Trigger & Condition
4. equal to wifi near? AM_7296 | A003 = Trigger Wifi Scan Results Available is equal to Tasker Wifi near
D. General Concept
1. Automagic scripting language question AM_1735 | A001 = Automagic is based/heavily influenced by java/javascript
2. Operations on individual blocks AM_6655 | A001 = Executing certain part of the flow individually
3. Multiple Triggers AM_6857 | A001 = Adding multiple triggers to single flow, and the OR logic
4. Help with Time Condition AM_6880 | A001 = Triggers vs Condition, diference between "event" and "state", checking trigger which leads to concept of Multiple trigger parallel expression.
5. Multiple Choice - Series vs Parallel AM_6882 | A001 = Proof of concept why multiple choices should be done in parallel instead of series
6. Confirmation dialog: halts other branches in the flow? AM_6889 | A001 = Parallel execution of branch will halt other branch with the same step level. Use execute flow to launch the other branch in separate logic
7. Message box choices are very confusing. Please help. AM_6934 | A001 = Reuse/Overwrite, This Usage/All Usages. Explanation on how automagic handle elements name and multiple element with same name
8. Flow Execution Policy & Automagic Emergency Stop AM_6985 | A001 = A detail explanation on how FEP and AES works, including the test flow
9. Action vs flow...a pardoxical example AM_7016 | A002 = Flow and elements are different things, elements can be reused in any other flow without the original flow where it was created
10. User-defined Templates? AM_7004 | A002 = Used to be a request, but now becomes proof that It is possible to pass variable to other flow, including widget click
E. Flow and Trigger
1. Triggertime AM_6919 | A001 = Trigger time on startup is giving wrong date/time, probably caused by the phone itself
2. Wait for logged events AM_6922 | A001 = Trigger based upon certain event in the logging, especially logcat. (Warning! High battery usage)
3. Trigger activated multiple times? AM_7001 | A002 = Prevent trigger from activated too many times, by setting FEP to "Skip"
4. Loop differences AM_7099 | A002 = Loop over list vs loop over list (condensed) from template
5. How to tell is flow was triggered by a Shortcut? AM_7103 | A002 = Detect what is the trigger of the flow for multi triggers flow
6. Trigger if last trigger is more than.... AM_7159 | A002 = Check if last triggered is less than certain time range
7. Protect against 'false' power related triggers? AM_7229 | A003 = You can't prevent trigger from happening, but you can prevent the trigger from executing the main Flow by using sleep 1 second coupled with condition or setting the execution policy to SKIP
F. Efficient and effective Flow
1. Trigger timer vs. display AM_6960 | A001 = Example of how we can optimize flow to make it only run when needed.
2. inefficient email sync flow? AM_7014 | A002 = When time range is quite long, use Trigger Time instead of period timer.
G. Flow Editing
1. Online Flow Viewer/Editor AM_6925 | A001 = You can create automagic flow in virtualbox and then sync them using HTTP request to the phone
2. Adding comments to scripts AM_7254 | A003 = Multi lines commenting bug, seems intermittent. Sometimes script are not grayed-out properly after commented out
3. Automagic Flow Editor? AM_7313 | A003 = A much better way to edit Automagic flow in PC. Just mirror your phone using scrcpy, one of the best perfomance mirroring that only require adb (no additional app needed)
H. How to
1. YOUTUBE CHANNEL! AM_7303 | A003 = Autumn-Leigh Youtube Channel, Automagic Tutorial. Visit the channel for more videos at : ... 3i2rBJvnXg
2. How to use Settings actions? AM_6944 | A001 = Creating shortcut to any app using automagic, helpful in flow which use Control UI afterward
3. [Solved] ERROR: Could not find plugin action receiver AM_6847 | A002 = Sleep as Android, can't find plugin action. Because the tasker service hasn't been enabled
4. Plugin AM_7055 | A002 = To catch the exception (error), add the element you want and change the connection from normal to exception
5. Know Source of clipboard text AM_7112 | A002 = No way to detect source app of the clipboard. Workaround using Glovar to separate clipboard based on the source
6. getting the right android package name AM_7177 | A002 = Finding the correct package name for launch shortcut
7. Android 7.1.2 Nougat - Draw Permission AM_7279 | A003 = Draw Permission is located at android setting, gotta find it and enable it for Automagic
8. Re: Bluetooth zeitversetzt aktivieren im Auto AM_7314 | A003 = How to add Exception connection (to catch error exception), extra connection and rearranging the arrow connector
9. Undo flow modification AM_7206 | A003 = Undo is introduced in 1.35.0. You can still use Maintenance to access the deleted elements
II. Troubleshooting
A. Something won't work and the workaround (or Deal with it)
1. Help with Init Variables Device Orientation AM_6838 | A002 = Orientation value only differ for 90 degrees, need advance calculation
2. gestures not working after enable accessibility AM_6860 | A001 = HTC U11 gesture not compatible with automagic's accessibility
3. Dual SIM managment AM_6890 | A001 = Dual SIM management is very limited, official API doesn't provide much about it
4. Set Audio Stream (Ring) - Issue AM_6970 | A001 = Android Oreo, setting Ring volume will change Notification volume as well at the same time
5. Bug in "InitVariable NextAlarm" AM_6974 | A001 = Caused by 3rd party alarm
6. Outgoing call state : Ended AM_6990 | A002 = Won't work because of custom ROM
7. Mute speaker when headset is plugged in AM_7036 | A002 = Known bug, Regardless headset is plugged in or not, some audio stream still routed to phone speaker
8. Automagic service turns itself on. AM_7043 | A002 = Automagic service turned on by itself even after disabled, by NFC tag
9. Is automagic optimised /works on Chromebooks? AM_7053 | A002 = Automagic is not fully compatible yet, but some basic function can be done already
10. NFC service has stopped - Pixel 2 AM_7065 | A002 = Disable "Tags" so NFC can work again
11. Hiding Automagic Input Method Bar AM_7091 | A002 = Press back to hide the keyboard. It is not possible to hide it completely, it is by design, to make sure user know the keyboard is active
12. Text length in pixels AM_7135 | A002 = Measuring the text pixel seems quite difficult unless you use monospace font
13. On SIM changed AM_7301 | A003 = There is no way to check the number
14. Notification On Top AM_7341 | A003 = Automagic persistent Notification shown below other app. Probably caused by higher UID, no workaround found
B. Troubleshooting
1. Connections between flow elements disappeared AM_7115 | A002 = Line connector between elements disappear. Try to restart or update OTA (if available). Try to check software rendering
2. Time Based Actions AM_6875 | A001 = Troubleshooting why time trigger not working as expected
3. Notification Volume not Unmuting AM_6980 | A001 = Simple troubleshooting of something that doesn't work as expected, copy the action and test it in another flow
4. Systemtöne AM_7083 | A002 = Troubleshoot how sometimes system sound won't turn back on
5. Lock Screen not working properly AM_7010 | A002 = Lock screen state in quicksetting didn't match the real lock state. (icon showing lock state off, but actually it is on)
6. Device orientation (face down) bug AM_7056 | A002 = Checking if face down trigger can trigger when idle. Probably need to shake the device a bit to invoke sensor reading
7. Flow Opening Time AM_7125 | A002 = Troubleshooting flow open too slow
8. Can't open link in Whatsapp AM_7226 | A003 = Automagic View Intent URL was set to Default URL handler, need to reset default for Automagic (Option to disable this in Automagic 1.35.0)
9. Using Debug Dialog to Troubleshoot BOM Bug in Init Text AM_7262 | A003 = Example usage of Debug Dialog to help in troubleshooting a peculiar case of "Mysterious Invisible Character"
10. Locked out of my own phone! AM_7288 | A003 = Troubleshooting why the lockscreen toggle is not synced with the actual lock screen state
11. Having a problem with Automagic AM_7214 | A003 = Automagic not responding, freeze randomly, Sdcard access denied. Problems seems related to I/O
12. Flow Opening Time AM_7125 | A003 = Experiencing huge delay when opening a flow, black screen. Need complete logcat to understand the problem
13. trouble AM_7343 | A003 = Accessibility services keeps turned off, remember to whitelist Automagic, avoid "nuke button" to kill apps, disable all possible interfering apps (clean master and its kind
14. Collect cell not working at all AM_7264 | A003 = Check the permission if trigger used to work and now doesn't work
15. Dedicated Automagic's data backup, list of flow state AM_7272 | A003 = Another example of long troubleshooting with black rectangle bar in Screenshot. Include several lessons learnt (always backup, be careful when playing with system setting, never use soft reboot)
III. Widget
A. Widget
1. change image widget AM_3869 | A001 = Toggling widget image with each tap. Try to re-add widget to homescreen if it is not working
2. [solved] Widget to show and switch 2G/3G AM_6850 | A001 = Create widget to toggle 2G/3G. Can be used to toggle any other state
3. Marquee text within widget AM_7090 | A002 = Custom Widget only support maximum update speed at twice persecond (2 fps). Better find alternative
4. Overlay widget clickable actions AM_7098 | A002 = Single grid with multiple clickable (and swipe) action
5. Widget shadowed clickable regions AM_7102 | A002 = Feature request, workaround : Draw a grid exactly like the widget, and use it as background
6. Get if an overlay is shown or not AM_7142 | A002 = Checking if widget is shown or not, by changing a glovar state when showing and hiding it
7. Widget update rate slow? AM_7143 | A002 = Widget only updated every 500 ms, lower value will cause unpredictable result. The thread has example of using widget to show progress bar.
8. Widget AM_7147 | A002 = Swipe action not working, because Swipe action, long click and double click widget action only works when they are shown as overlay
9. Re: More graphical elements in custom widgets AM_7020 | A003 = Example of Graph created from widget. I use it to display mifi signal bar
IV. Communication
A. Phone Call
1. Is USSD detected by Automagic AM_6837 | A001 = USSD is not detected prior to Oreo 8.0. New API will be added in the newer version of Automagic
2. Cell Tower Location doesn't work well AM_7052 | A002 = Cell Tower location won't work properly for CDMA network. (AM 1.34.0) Need to wait for EAP 1.35
3. [Dual sim] Outgoing call OFFHOOK AM_7057 | A002 = Off hook triggered immediately, even though the UI still in SIM selection, actual call haven't been made. Workaround by using Control UI to wait for the element
4. Help me Martin! AM_6849 | A001 = Interrupt current call, ended it and answer the incoming call
5. incoming/outgoing call redirection? AM_6995 | A002 = End the phone call and send the caller number via message to other number
6. Action on SMS received AM_7019 | A002 = Creating sms buffer to dismiss duplicate sms from different number within certain period. Can be expanded to buffering any incoming similar trigger
7. Nicht Stören Regler / do not distrub switch AM_7069 | A002 = Turn on DND switch (Do Not Disturb)
8. Backup AM_7116 | A002 = Backup sms, call logs, calendar using Automagic is possible, but no restore option. Better use other app
9. missing call reminder AM_7181 | A002 = Creating missed call/sms reminder. Explanation why period timer should be disable/enabled by another flow, to reduce battery drain
10. [german] Mit Funkzelle verbunden AM_7194 | A003 = Creating two Phone Cell ID trigger, just recollect new Cell ID in new trigger/flow
11. Screen off on incoming call, keeping ringer on AM_7199 | A003 = There is no direct way. You have to stop built-in ringtone, and reproduce the sound in Automagic and use stop sound to stop it when answered
12. change contact value? AM_7239 | A003 = Using Start Activity to add new contact. Editing is possible, but please stay away from deleting (as it may corrupt the database)
13. Verizon LG V20 no cdma cells AM_7266 | A003 = Probably the carrier has removed the BTS
14. Secure call AM_7295 | A003 = Creating Secure widget blocking the screen to protect call
15. Caller name AM_7334 | A003 = Speak out the caller name and stop it when picked up (include Screenshot and detail explanation)
16. Modify call log AM_7337 | A003 = Use Modify call log to delete certain numbers from call log (be careful when testing)
17. How do i make a phone call flooding flow? AM_7240 | A003 = Making infinite loop to call certain number and end it after being answered
18. Call blocker AM_7123 | A003 = Blocking call from certain number using Control UI or input keyevent 6 (if rooted)
B. SMS, MMS, Social Media
1. Operation on SMS AM_7145 | A002 = Replicate incoming sms notification and add a new action button to delete it, need sqlite3 and root
2. idea:send whatsapp copy of sms or sms copy of whatsapp? AM_7211 | A003 = Send whatsapp to single recepient or group (using Control UI)
3. sms to group? AM_7222 | A003 = To send sms to group, you have to loop send single sms several times
4. Forward WhatsApp Mesaage as SMS or EMail AM_7307 | A003 = Retrieve data from Whatsapp notification and forward it via SMS or email
C. Email, sync and account
1. Is there a default email app? AM_7260 | A003 = Unfortunately there is no guarantee that every android phone will use a default email/messaging app. Our flow won't work realiably unless we can modify to the target phone
2. gmail AM_7289 | A003 = To attach multiple in Action Mail with Gmail, use list variable in listformat comma delimited {files,listformat,comma}
3. Share text, file or image with Automagic to send it via mail AM_7263 | A003 = Automagic Intent received, parse and attach it, send it via email (flow sharing)
V. Network & Location
A. Wifi
1. Galaxy Note s8 - Wifi Tether Help AM_7015 | A002 = Nougat 7.0 above, app (automagic) which need to turn on wifi hotspot, should be a system app (means must have root). Solved in Automagic 1.35.0
2. Wifi connection problem after Oreo 8.1 update AM_7131 | A002 = Condition wifi connected stop working in Oreo 8.1, because of improved security. Need to enable location mode to ensure it is working properly
3. I can not list available networks using automagic AM_7188 | A002 = Another case of wifi scan no result. Need to enable location first
4. philips hue? AM_3623 | A002 = Dealing with philips hue, another flow sharing
5. Very confused about how to manage WiFi AM_6193 | A002 = Trigger wifi scan result available, scanning for multiple BSSID with same SSID name
6. WIFI Scan: Get Level of specific BSSID? AM_6622 | A002 = Getting list of wifi scan result, with SSID, BSSID, capabilities, signal level, frequency using java method.
7. get wifi channel for currently connected AP? AM_6877 | A001 = Using map to get the wifi channel from frequency.
8. condition for open / protected wifi ? AM_6900 | A001 = Checking wifi is protected or not, Testing the statement "highest signal strength", workaround of SSID name with comma.
9. ping not working when screen off AM_7342 | A003 = Try to enable Keep wifi on during sleep, try to check the internet connection and test the execute command ping. Changing host may work
10. Set Wifi State not working in Android 8 AM_7344 | A003 = Set wifi State not working, probably caused by location/airplane mode. Link to disable wifi turning off when activating airplane mode
B. Bluetooth
1. G-Tag > Bluetooth BLE-tag > Webhook ? AM_6883 | A001 = Using G-Tag or any BLE device for automation
2. Bluetooth autoconect AM_7146 | A002 = Bluetooth auto connect when in car
3. been spending hours trying to work this out! AM_7306 | A003 = Turn off bluetooth when not connected and no music is playing everytime the screen is off.
4. Bluetooth zeitversetzt aktivieren im Auto AM_7314 | A003 = Bluetooth connected, immediately disconnect to allow other bluetooth device to sync finish before reconnect back
C. HTTP request, JSON, XML, data parsing
1. Autohue AM_3748 | A002 = Alternative method instead of autohue plugin; by using HTTP request to control and retrieve info from the bulb
2. App Starten AM_7009 | A002 = Open browser directly to the predefined URL
3. Domotica Tablet - switching lights on/of AM_7074 | A002 = Dealing with browser/url part, better use action HTTP request
4. Escape Sequence? AM_3088 | A002 = Passing JSON in HTTP request, escaping special character
5. Extracting information from Json AM_6196 | A002 = Convert JSON to map and process it just like a map
6. How to use api via http request AM_6748 | A002 = Example usage of HTTP request to use API from certain site
7. Get values from Http file. AM_6866 | A001 = Parsing data from proper html, using Xpath
8. How to retrieve Data AM_6878 | A001 = Parsing data from unproper html, can't use Xpath, must use Regex. With example that leads to the new findAll() function which now support regex group capturing in Automagic 1.34.0
9. Determine if login dialog in web browser is present or not AM_7031 | A002 = Replicate HTTP request with its parameter by checking Chrome Developer Tab
10. HTTP Request Trigger: response time AM_7092 | A002 = Automagic web server won't respond to the browser before the whole flow is finished. It Is by design (AM 1.34.0). Option added in 1.35.0 to finish the response Immediately. Workaround, by using Send broadcast/General Broadcast pair.
11. HTTP GET REST no response AM_7155 | A002 = Error 401, caused by authentication error. Automagic doesn't support old URL encoding authentication anymore. Use the authorization field instead
12. Network Traffic AM_7215 | A003 = Example usage how to count network traffic
D. VPN & Firewall
1. Q: Selective activation of VPN AM_2369 | A001 = Automatically connect to VPN, using OpenVPN or using Control UI (there is link to shared flow)
2. Using Automagic with OpenVPN AM_6971 | A001 = Shortcut created using automagic won't work because of extra parameter. Should use auto shortcut capturing
3. Automate Firewall AM_6975 | A002 = Use DroidWall or AFWall+ (NG 7.0+) which can be controlled using Automagic
4. OpenVPN AM_7223 | A003 = Start OpenVPN using Start Activity and passing username as extra
5. Turning VPNs on/off without hassle AM_6839 | A003 = Automating connecting to VPN by shortcut, using Control UI (Flow sharing)
E. Location/GPS
1. Alert when to leave work to catch the commute home AM_5773 | A001 = Using Google Direction API to calculate ETA to destination
2. Navigation Apps Auto turn on/off GPS AM_6899 | A001 = Automagically turn on GPS when using navigation apps and turn off after 1 minute of idle. Along with some explanation of scripting
3. Wi-Fi On/Off depending on Location AM_7024 | A002 = Combine both location trigger in single flow
4. GPS enable/disable fire no event AM_7068 | A002 = Detecting GPS is enabled, should use Trigger : Location Provider State - GPS - Enabled
5. Save parking place on google maps AM_7070 | A002 = As the title said
6. Location update rate AM_7105 | A002 = Location update rate varies from phone to phone
7. GSM scan no result AM_7148 | A002 = Need to enable location or set to high accuracy
8. Car UI Mode and Google Maps AM_6611 | A003 = Car UI mode cause the Google Map to launch and close immediately (Google Map's bug)
9. Change mock location app with Automagic AM_7286 | A003 = You can use Control UI to change the mock app. Or you can simply use execute root command appops to deny all other mock app and allow only the app you want
10. Location information AM_7244 | A003 = Getting street name, number, city, region of location from certain coordinate
11. Send Adress data from SMS to Google maps app AM_7284 | A003 = Parsing text from sms and open the location directly in Google Map
F. Geofencing
1. Geofencing AM_7137 | A002 = Several concept on how to setup Geofencing efficiently (accurate and battery friendly/charging)
2. Staying at the same position -> action AM_7189 | A002 = Geofencing at static location. Use distance() to calculate distance and check if it moves far from previous location
3. Wifi Geofencing AM_7326 | A003 = Simple Geofencing using wifi connected and disconnected, along with buffer (flow sharing)
VI. Time & Date
A. Date, Time, Calendar
1. Funktion addDays in einer Schleife AM_6819 | A001 = Mysterius time move back by one hour, caused by DST. Solution inside
2. Time trigger when powered off AM_6830 | A001 = Immediately trigger if time trigger missed the schedule; use GloVar Date/time trigger instead
3. Alarm Fired, Snoozed and Dismissed Triggers AM_6976 | A002 = Workaround trigger using General Broadcast or UI Event
4. Mehrere Kalender-Events vom gleichen Tag AM_7013 | A002 = Multiple calendar events on same day, need to use Query Content Provider
5. Calendar backup AM_7048 | A002 = Use other dedicated app to backup the calendar instead, if you don't want to use Query Content Provider
6. Alarm clock Trigger AM_7073 | A002 = Detecting special alarm clock is not possible. Just create the alarm in automagic
7. Condition: Time range from date to date AM_7113 | A002 = Creating condition time range for a longer period
8. Timer for call AM_7114 | A002 = Time scheduled action based on the time range
9. Calender Event doesn't trigger at the correct time AM_7117 | A002 = try to use option 'Like alarm clock'
10. no calender event AM_7172 | A002 = [Hard method] Querying calendar event list and check for if there is event at that day (there is easier method below)
11. Aktion auslösen wenn Kalender keinen Eintrag "Urlaub" hat AM_7175 | A002 = [Easy method] No Calendar >> do some action. Use condition Calendar Event. Bonus tips : Overcome huawei ROM optimization which tends to kill automagic when screen off
12. Simple help on "create calendar event" AM_7176 | A002 = When creating new calendar event, make sure to uncheck "All day", to ensure the created time is correct
13. date and clock sync AM_7178 | A002 = Auto sync clock (date time) to NTP server using root command
14. Stop a timer AM_7179 | A002 = If stop timer won't work, try to force stop - clear data the clock app
15. Sleep action and "Wakeup from idle/doze" AM_7251 | A003 = Use Global Variable Date Time instead if you have sleep longer than 5 minutes, to prevent wakelock (battery drain) caused by Automagic
16. Interval timer for work outs and other similar routines AM_6487 | A003 = Interval Timer for various routines that need timer (flow sharing)
17. Different alarm clock depending on shift AM_7210 | A003 = Multiple different alarm clock depending on calendar event (irregular working shift)
VII. Display
A. Custom Vendor Display
1. Manage LG G6 AlwaysOnDisplay with Automagic AM_7174 | A002 = Toggling LG G6 Always On Display from Set System Setting
2. Mate 10 Pro Always display information AM_7319 | A003 = Toggling Huawei Always Display Information thru Set System setting : aod_switch
3. ACTION - Set Screen Timeout - variable input AM_7324 | A003 = Custom Screen Timeout mostly won't work. Use Glovar Date/Time instead as the reverter
B. Homescreen, Wallpaper and Theme
1. Nova automate AM_7017 | A002 = Automatic redirect Nova default home screen to certain page when the flow is active (pressing home will always land in certain page)
2. Clear all recents AM_7209 | A003 = Two ways to clear Recent app : Control UI and dumpsys
3. Shortcut Icon Change of Icon via Launcher not possible AM_7220 | A003 = Action Launcher can't change Automagic shortcut icon at home screen
4. Favourite contacts AM_7299 | A003 = Just create the contact directly to home screen without using Automagic. But you can join multiple contact to single shortcut, by using Input Dialog to select them\
VIII. Media
A. Media, sound, volume
1. [SOLVED]How to set volume when phone is vibrate? AM_6853 | A001 = About how to create flow for power connected and disconnected; speak out the battery level
2. Volume per Audiostream AM_7084 | A002 = TTS volume sound is too low compared to music volume. Lower the volume temporary may help, and change the request audio focus
3. Volume edit AM_7086 | A002 = Increase volume incrementally
4. Max numerical value of any audio stream? AM_7133 | A002 = Detecting max volume step of the ROM. (use Bingwu's flow)
5. Play internet radio AM_7106 | A002 = Stream internet radio using Action Sound
6. Displaying an image AM_7216 | A003 = Use Widget to show images, you can modify it (resize, crop, scale) and re-save it to an image file
7. Detect any audio on media stream? AM_7268 | A003 = Use condition Audio Stream Active, with periodic timer to check it. Only enable the flow when needed, example only when certain app is open
8. Mute Phone AM_7269 | A003 = To mute phone (turn vibrate on), use action Set Ringer Mode
B. Speech Output and Voice Command
1. Speech input / voice control AM_5952 | A002 = Creating voice command and act upon it
2. Help with speech output saying a random fact AM_7040 | A002 = Creating flow with preloaded text containing fact or joke; random picking one and speak it out.
3. shell command to change a tts engine? AM_6834 | A001 = Change TTS engine via Set System setting or execute root command
4. How to launch Google assistant AM_7082 | A002 = 3 ways to launch Google assistant
5. Google Assistant AM_6507 | A002 = Detecting command words in google assistant and trigger flow from it
6. Custom Voice Activated Hotwords Trigger AM_7197 | A003 = There is not hotword detection yet in Automagic. Use Hotword Plugin instead, it is working great with Automagic
7. Google Home (Mini) AM_7200 | A003 = Triggering flow from Google Home thru IFTTT
IX. Input/Output
A. File, input output
1. Regarding root permissions AM_6895 | A001 = List, move, copy files action don't execute using root privilege even though we have granted root to Automagic. Use Execute Root Command instead
2. Permission denied?? AM_7161 | A002 = Init Variable Text File won't work on root folder, must use execute root command instead
3. How mighty is the Script-Action? AM_7059 | A002 = Concept on how to design auto file deletion based on their size and modified time
4. Error when try to delete a file wich not exist AM_6166 | A002 = Init the file list first and check for file existence before trying to delete it.
5. Move all files - except ... AM_6905 | A001 = Move all files except certain files
6. Dateinamen AM_7021 | A002 = Recorded image/video get overwritten by same name, use variable datetime to make the filename different
7. Sd fix AM_6921 | A001 = Can't access external sdcard (microsd), ways to check the Storage Access Framework, and workaround using Sdfix
8. saving on sd card AM_7173 | A002 = Granting External SD card access (Storage Access Framework) to automagic
9. Backup of photos to GDrive AM_7185 | A002 = Upload photo to Gdrive, use Action Google Drive Upload Files. It won't backup the same twice. No duplicate, only new ones will be uploaded
10. Access to system files AM_5750 | A003 = File observer for system file. Can be used to observe sys/class folder (example : battery)
11. Trigger "File Observer" without existing directory AM_6937 | A003 = Trigger File Observer support Variable, but the flow need to be disabled-enabled to reset the variable list
12. Help on the better way to copy/move files AM_7208 | A003 = Better method to move files is using App Task Started. File Observer triggered too many during a single file operation
13. Delete older files AM_6417 | A003 = Delete Files older than x days
X. Notification
A. Notification, Quick Setting, Toast Message
1. Copy Text from Statusbar notification to clipboard AM_6817 | A001 = Copy available text variable from notification
2. Android Oreo's Notification AM_6904 | A001 = Snoozing Oreo's notification has been added in Automagic 1.34.0
3. Quicksetting screen problem? AM_6996 | A002 = quicksettings() only open the first page. To open the second page, use scrollForward(x,y) to complement it
4. Notification action AM_7006 | A002 = Checking if flow is triggered from notification click action, by checking {action_number}
5. Quick Settings Tile icon AM_7094 | A002 = Quick tile icon optimal resolution : 72x72
6. Catching Automagic's own persistent notification AM_7287 | A003 = Instead of catching Automagic's own notification, use Trigger Automagic Startup instead
7. Action in Notification AM_7321 | A003 = Interact with the Action in Notification
8. Led notication lights? AM_7327 | A003 = Use Action Notification on Statusbar and check Flash LED
9. Phone answers when facebook message received AM_4255 | A003 = Send certain message to our phone and trigger certain flow. Can be use anti theft or phone locator app (example, our phone will produce an unstoppable very loud sound)
XI. Scripting
A. Parsing data and Scripting
1. how to get 2.5 from 5/2 AM_6670 | A002 = To get the decimal, you have to put decimal point at the divisor. No decimal point means integer division, result in integer too (no decimal)
2. Use a variable's value in the name of another variable? AM_6813 | A001 = Creating Dynamic variable (variable name based on the content of another variable)
3. search email address in a lookup file AM_6833 | A001 = Compare email address if It is on the list of the text file
4. [Solved] Special character in UI event not supporting all. AM_6887 | A001 = Backslash need to be escaped using double backslash
5. removeDuplicateElements AM_6941 | A001 = removeDuplicateElements() failed because one of the element is string, the other is number
6. Best way to initialize global variables? AM_6961 | A001 = Using if() to create a GloVar if it doesn't exist
7. Help regarding inserting multiple spaces AM_6979 | A001 = Concatenate strings (spaces) based on certain variable
8. Any tutorials for absolute non-programmer beginners? AM_6984 | A001 = General idea when first time use Automagic
9. Revisiting addMinutes (and all add with day, hour etc.) AM_6987 | A001 = Don't turn date/time variable to string if you still need to add/minus/manipulate the variable
10. Way to get display resolution AM_6989 | A001 = Detect device resolution using Java in script action or execute command
11. Ensure value of {flow_name} is correct AM_7011 | A002 = A brilliant way of using eval(string) to built custom function. And the workaround to overcome the variable {flow_name} being passed to the child flow
12. Re: remaining time washing machine (add time?) AM_7026 | A002 = Method to round a number, is by dividing it with the base and multiply it back with the base. It also shows 2 ways to get the duration between starting and ending time
13. Date() with a message I can't understand AM_7060 | A002 = Parsing Date string to date
14. Creating a string variable from a number variable AM_7071 | A002 = String ended up as number, since Automagic has intellisense to automatically convert a possible string number before perfoming math operations
15. fillcolor of widget not in hex code format AM_7089 | A002 = Checking color. Converting color hex code to integer using java.
16. Working with RGBa colors AM_7096 | A002 = Detect color on screen using screenshot, argb explanation
17. unix to date/time AM_7235 | A003 = Convert seconds in number to a Datetime. Need to multiply by 1000 first or using "s" in getDate()
18. Is there a CASE statement or a GOTO command? AM_7255 | A003 = No CASE or GOTO LABEL command yet, alternative way is to use Map, If() to protect each branching, using eval() with string. Bonus for ternary if() else
19. Expression freezes AM_7241 | A003 = A long Script/expression execution time can halt other script/expression in other flows. This is because Automagic use a global lock for script execution, to prevent thread/race condition. Sleep function inside scritp won't halt the flow anymore in Automagic 1.35.0
B. Map and List
1. Nested json? AM_6818 | A001 = How to access nested JSON, by first converting it to map.
2. Trigger Variable map AM_6826 | A001 = It is not possible to trigger based on individual element of list/map on global variable (perfomance reason). Use toJSON() or another additional GloVar instead
3. Iterate over map? AM_6966 | A001 = Loop over a map value and create GloVar from it
4. global_map changes if local_map changes AM_7111 | A002 = Map and list are object, assigning them to new variable only assign the pointer (reference).
5. addMapEntry to index 0 AM_7154 | A002 = Insert a new key:value at index 0 in the map
6. non existent array item AM_7183 | A002 = Testing a null List and assign value if error. Protect the null list from creating error. Using ternary if() else to compact the script
7. Storing Audio Volumes AM_7233 | A003 = Store Audio Volumes can't use Glovar Map. Use intermediate value and save that to Glovar. Included test flow for best practices how to use the GloVar Map to do iteration
C. Regex pattern
1. Create Condition filter incoming_number with wildcards AM_2788 | A002 = Matching incoming number with regex, + is special char, need to be escaped in regex
2. Regex pattern AM_6901 | A001 = Using regex to parse simple sentence
3. Help with Regex AM_7035 | A002 = Regex pattern to replace flow group name inside xml
4. split function AM_7049 | A002 = Alternative regex to split function.
5. Teile einer Variable in anderen Variablen speichern AM_7054 | A002 = Parsing temperature and humidity, save to variables
6. Either RegExp is wrong or "matches=" is misunderstood AM_7067 | A002 = Automagic regex tester works as it should be. But backslash should be escaped once more when used in regex related function
7. Greenify alternative: Automagic AM_7134 | A002 = Parsing data from dumpsys, finding recent app, and kill it
8. Anyone like regex challenges? AM_7328 | A003 = Match a single period at the end of line, but may not match if it has 3 periods
This is the index of my own documentation. After hanging around in this forum for 2 months, I have posted quite enough. It started to be difficult to find even my own post. So I just link them up and put them here, to help me easier to refer to any of the suitable tutorial that I have answered before. It maybe will be helpful for those who want to find some alternative or solution. Most of the ones linked here have my own post inside or any interesting/useful reference. So if your detailed post is not linked here, probably I missed it or maybe have been answered/linked in the post below as well. For Flow Sharing, I can't link all here. I only link the ones with a lot of view, have a detail explanation on how to use it, or updated from time to time. I might try to update this list or change the structure from time to time.
I. General
A. Automagic Official Tutorial
1. Basic Concepts DO_0001 | A003 = Introduce the basic concept of Automagic
2. Creating the first flow DO_0002 | A003 = Step by step Tutorial to create a flow
3. Creating a Custom Widget DO_0003 | A003 = Step by step Tutorial to create a widget
4. Explanation of Main User Interface DO_0004 | A003 = Explain each User Interface usage
B. Automagic Help and Various Documentation
1. List of Available Triggers DO_0005 | A003 = Documentation of Triggers including the parameter
2. List of Available Conditions DO_0006 | A003 = Documentation of Conditions including the parameter
3. List of Available Actions DO_0007 | A003 = Documentation of Actions including the parameter
4. List of Script functions and explanation DO_0008 | A003 = Script Action explanation (since this is very long, so a good idea to direct link it)
5. Inline Expressions DO_0009 | A003 = Using Variable inside string
6. List of Control UI functions DO_0010 | A003 = List of Control UI specific Action (you can only use this in Control UI, not in script action)
7. Date Format Pattern DO_0011 | A003 = Pattern for dateformat
8. Number Format Pattern DO_0012 | A003 = Pattern for numberformat
9. Regular Expression Pattern DO_0013 | A003 = Pattern for regex, various example of regex. You can test it in built-in Regex Tester inside Script action
10. Script Example DO_0014 | A003 = Various of Script Examples. (I will post mine in the future)
C. Automagic vs Tasker
1. Automagic vs Tasker (Long Comparison) AM_6809 | A001 = A long explanation how automagic compared to tasker and why I switched
2. Automate by Llamalabs AM_3867 | A002 = Comparison to Automate
3. Tasker User --> Automagic Questions AM_7217 | A003 = Tasker Event, State, Exit Task vs Automagic's Trigger & Condition
4. equal to wifi near? AM_7296 | A003 = Trigger Wifi Scan Results Available is equal to Tasker Wifi near
D. General Concept
1. Automagic scripting language question AM_1735 | A001 = Automagic is based/heavily influenced by java/javascript
2. Operations on individual blocks AM_6655 | A001 = Executing certain part of the flow individually
3. Multiple Triggers AM_6857 | A001 = Adding multiple triggers to single flow, and the OR logic
4. Help with Time Condition AM_6880 | A001 = Triggers vs Condition, diference between "event" and "state", checking trigger which leads to concept of Multiple trigger parallel expression.
5. Multiple Choice - Series vs Parallel AM_6882 | A001 = Proof of concept why multiple choices should be done in parallel instead of series
6. Confirmation dialog: halts other branches in the flow? AM_6889 | A001 = Parallel execution of branch will halt other branch with the same step level. Use execute flow to launch the other branch in separate logic
7. Message box choices are very confusing. Please help. AM_6934 | A001 = Reuse/Overwrite, This Usage/All Usages. Explanation on how automagic handle elements name and multiple element with same name
8. Flow Execution Policy & Automagic Emergency Stop AM_6985 | A001 = A detail explanation on how FEP and AES works, including the test flow
9. Action vs flow...a pardoxical example AM_7016 | A002 = Flow and elements are different things, elements can be reused in any other flow without the original flow where it was created
10. User-defined Templates? AM_7004 | A002 = Used to be a request, but now becomes proof that It is possible to pass variable to other flow, including widget click
E. Flow and Trigger
1. Triggertime AM_6919 | A001 = Trigger time on startup is giving wrong date/time, probably caused by the phone itself
2. Wait for logged events AM_6922 | A001 = Trigger based upon certain event in the logging, especially logcat. (Warning! High battery usage)
3. Trigger activated multiple times? AM_7001 | A002 = Prevent trigger from activated too many times, by setting FEP to "Skip"
4. Loop differences AM_7099 | A002 = Loop over list vs loop over list (condensed) from template
5. How to tell is flow was triggered by a Shortcut? AM_7103 | A002 = Detect what is the trigger of the flow for multi triggers flow
6. Trigger if last trigger is more than.... AM_7159 | A002 = Check if last triggered is less than certain time range
7. Protect against 'false' power related triggers? AM_7229 | A003 = You can't prevent trigger from happening, but you can prevent the trigger from executing the main Flow by using sleep 1 second coupled with condition or setting the execution policy to SKIP
F. Efficient and effective Flow
1. Trigger timer vs. display AM_6960 | A001 = Example of how we can optimize flow to make it only run when needed.
2. inefficient email sync flow? AM_7014 | A002 = When time range is quite long, use Trigger Time instead of period timer.
G. Flow Editing
1. Online Flow Viewer/Editor AM_6925 | A001 = You can create automagic flow in virtualbox and then sync them using HTTP request to the phone
2. Adding comments to scripts AM_7254 | A003 = Multi lines commenting bug, seems intermittent. Sometimes script are not grayed-out properly after commented out
3. Automagic Flow Editor? AM_7313 | A003 = A much better way to edit Automagic flow in PC. Just mirror your phone using scrcpy, one of the best perfomance mirroring that only require adb (no additional app needed)
H. How to
1. YOUTUBE CHANNEL! AM_7303 | A003 = Autumn-Leigh Youtube Channel, Automagic Tutorial. Visit the channel for more videos at : ... 3i2rBJvnXg
2. How to use Settings actions? AM_6944 | A001 = Creating shortcut to any app using automagic, helpful in flow which use Control UI afterward
3. [Solved] ERROR: Could not find plugin action receiver AM_6847 | A002 = Sleep as Android, can't find plugin action. Because the tasker service hasn't been enabled
4. Plugin AM_7055 | A002 = To catch the exception (error), add the element you want and change the connection from normal to exception
5. Know Source of clipboard text AM_7112 | A002 = No way to detect source app of the clipboard. Workaround using Glovar to separate clipboard based on the source
6. getting the right android package name AM_7177 | A002 = Finding the correct package name for launch shortcut
7. Android 7.1.2 Nougat - Draw Permission AM_7279 | A003 = Draw Permission is located at android setting, gotta find it and enable it for Automagic
8. Re: Bluetooth zeitversetzt aktivieren im Auto AM_7314 | A003 = How to add Exception connection (to catch error exception), extra connection and rearranging the arrow connector
9. Undo flow modification AM_7206 | A003 = Undo is introduced in 1.35.0. You can still use Maintenance to access the deleted elements
II. Troubleshooting
A. Something won't work and the workaround (or Deal with it)
1. Help with Init Variables Device Orientation AM_6838 | A002 = Orientation value only differ for 90 degrees, need advance calculation
2. gestures not working after enable accessibility AM_6860 | A001 = HTC U11 gesture not compatible with automagic's accessibility
3. Dual SIM managment AM_6890 | A001 = Dual SIM management is very limited, official API doesn't provide much about it
4. Set Audio Stream (Ring) - Issue AM_6970 | A001 = Android Oreo, setting Ring volume will change Notification volume as well at the same time
5. Bug in "InitVariable NextAlarm" AM_6974 | A001 = Caused by 3rd party alarm
6. Outgoing call state : Ended AM_6990 | A002 = Won't work because of custom ROM
7. Mute speaker when headset is plugged in AM_7036 | A002 = Known bug, Regardless headset is plugged in or not, some audio stream still routed to phone speaker
8. Automagic service turns itself on. AM_7043 | A002 = Automagic service turned on by itself even after disabled, by NFC tag
9. Is automagic optimised /works on Chromebooks? AM_7053 | A002 = Automagic is not fully compatible yet, but some basic function can be done already
10. NFC service has stopped - Pixel 2 AM_7065 | A002 = Disable "Tags" so NFC can work again
11. Hiding Automagic Input Method Bar AM_7091 | A002 = Press back to hide the keyboard. It is not possible to hide it completely, it is by design, to make sure user know the keyboard is active
12. Text length in pixels AM_7135 | A002 = Measuring the text pixel seems quite difficult unless you use monospace font
13. On SIM changed AM_7301 | A003 = There is no way to check the number
14. Notification On Top AM_7341 | A003 = Automagic persistent Notification shown below other app. Probably caused by higher UID, no workaround found
B. Troubleshooting
1. Connections between flow elements disappeared AM_7115 | A002 = Line connector between elements disappear. Try to restart or update OTA (if available). Try to check software rendering
2. Time Based Actions AM_6875 | A001 = Troubleshooting why time trigger not working as expected
3. Notification Volume not Unmuting AM_6980 | A001 = Simple troubleshooting of something that doesn't work as expected, copy the action and test it in another flow
4. Systemtöne AM_7083 | A002 = Troubleshoot how sometimes system sound won't turn back on
5. Lock Screen not working properly AM_7010 | A002 = Lock screen state in quicksetting didn't match the real lock state. (icon showing lock state off, but actually it is on)
6. Device orientation (face down) bug AM_7056 | A002 = Checking if face down trigger can trigger when idle. Probably need to shake the device a bit to invoke sensor reading
7. Flow Opening Time AM_7125 | A002 = Troubleshooting flow open too slow
8. Can't open link in Whatsapp AM_7226 | A003 = Automagic View Intent URL was set to Default URL handler, need to reset default for Automagic (Option to disable this in Automagic 1.35.0)
9. Using Debug Dialog to Troubleshoot BOM Bug in Init Text AM_7262 | A003 = Example usage of Debug Dialog to help in troubleshooting a peculiar case of "Mysterious Invisible Character"
10. Locked out of my own phone! AM_7288 | A003 = Troubleshooting why the lockscreen toggle is not synced with the actual lock screen state
11. Having a problem with Automagic AM_7214 | A003 = Automagic not responding, freeze randomly, Sdcard access denied. Problems seems related to I/O
12. Flow Opening Time AM_7125 | A003 = Experiencing huge delay when opening a flow, black screen. Need complete logcat to understand the problem
13. trouble AM_7343 | A003 = Accessibility services keeps turned off, remember to whitelist Automagic, avoid "nuke button" to kill apps, disable all possible interfering apps (clean master and its kind
14. Collect cell not working at all AM_7264 | A003 = Check the permission if trigger used to work and now doesn't work
15. Dedicated Automagic's data backup, list of flow state AM_7272 | A003 = Another example of long troubleshooting with black rectangle bar in Screenshot. Include several lessons learnt (always backup, be careful when playing with system setting, never use soft reboot)
III. Widget
A. Widget
1. change image widget AM_3869 | A001 = Toggling widget image with each tap. Try to re-add widget to homescreen if it is not working
2. [solved] Widget to show and switch 2G/3G AM_6850 | A001 = Create widget to toggle 2G/3G. Can be used to toggle any other state
3. Marquee text within widget AM_7090 | A002 = Custom Widget only support maximum update speed at twice persecond (2 fps). Better find alternative
4. Overlay widget clickable actions AM_7098 | A002 = Single grid with multiple clickable (and swipe) action
5. Widget shadowed clickable regions AM_7102 | A002 = Feature request, workaround : Draw a grid exactly like the widget, and use it as background
6. Get if an overlay is shown or not AM_7142 | A002 = Checking if widget is shown or not, by changing a glovar state when showing and hiding it
7. Widget update rate slow? AM_7143 | A002 = Widget only updated every 500 ms, lower value will cause unpredictable result. The thread has example of using widget to show progress bar.
8. Widget AM_7147 | A002 = Swipe action not working, because Swipe action, long click and double click widget action only works when they are shown as overlay
9. Re: More graphical elements in custom widgets AM_7020 | A003 = Example of Graph created from widget. I use it to display mifi signal bar
IV. Communication
A. Phone Call
1. Is USSD detected by Automagic AM_6837 | A001 = USSD is not detected prior to Oreo 8.0. New API will be added in the newer version of Automagic
2. Cell Tower Location doesn't work well AM_7052 | A002 = Cell Tower location won't work properly for CDMA network. (AM 1.34.0) Need to wait for EAP 1.35
3. [Dual sim] Outgoing call OFFHOOK AM_7057 | A002 = Off hook triggered immediately, even though the UI still in SIM selection, actual call haven't been made. Workaround by using Control UI to wait for the element
4. Help me Martin! AM_6849 | A001 = Interrupt current call, ended it and answer the incoming call
5. incoming/outgoing call redirection? AM_6995 | A002 = End the phone call and send the caller number via message to other number
6. Action on SMS received AM_7019 | A002 = Creating sms buffer to dismiss duplicate sms from different number within certain period. Can be expanded to buffering any incoming similar trigger
7. Nicht Stören Regler / do not distrub switch AM_7069 | A002 = Turn on DND switch (Do Not Disturb)
8. Backup AM_7116 | A002 = Backup sms, call logs, calendar using Automagic is possible, but no restore option. Better use other app
9. missing call reminder AM_7181 | A002 = Creating missed call/sms reminder. Explanation why period timer should be disable/enabled by another flow, to reduce battery drain
10. [german] Mit Funkzelle verbunden AM_7194 | A003 = Creating two Phone Cell ID trigger, just recollect new Cell ID in new trigger/flow
11. Screen off on incoming call, keeping ringer on AM_7199 | A003 = There is no direct way. You have to stop built-in ringtone, and reproduce the sound in Automagic and use stop sound to stop it when answered
12. change contact value? AM_7239 | A003 = Using Start Activity to add new contact. Editing is possible, but please stay away from deleting (as it may corrupt the database)
13. Verizon LG V20 no cdma cells AM_7266 | A003 = Probably the carrier has removed the BTS
14. Secure call AM_7295 | A003 = Creating Secure widget blocking the screen to protect call
15. Caller name AM_7334 | A003 = Speak out the caller name and stop it when picked up (include Screenshot and detail explanation)
16. Modify call log AM_7337 | A003 = Use Modify call log to delete certain numbers from call log (be careful when testing)
17. How do i make a phone call flooding flow? AM_7240 | A003 = Making infinite loop to call certain number and end it after being answered
18. Call blocker AM_7123 | A003 = Blocking call from certain number using Control UI or input keyevent 6 (if rooted)
B. SMS, MMS, Social Media
1. Operation on SMS AM_7145 | A002 = Replicate incoming sms notification and add a new action button to delete it, need sqlite3 and root
2. idea:send whatsapp copy of sms or sms copy of whatsapp? AM_7211 | A003 = Send whatsapp to single recepient or group (using Control UI)
3. sms to group? AM_7222 | A003 = To send sms to group, you have to loop send single sms several times
4. Forward WhatsApp Mesaage as SMS or EMail AM_7307 | A003 = Retrieve data from Whatsapp notification and forward it via SMS or email
C. Email, sync and account
1. Is there a default email app? AM_7260 | A003 = Unfortunately there is no guarantee that every android phone will use a default email/messaging app. Our flow won't work realiably unless we can modify to the target phone
2. gmail AM_7289 | A003 = To attach multiple in Action Mail with Gmail, use list variable in listformat comma delimited {files,listformat,comma}
3. Share text, file or image with Automagic to send it via mail AM_7263 | A003 = Automagic Intent received, parse and attach it, send it via email (flow sharing)
V. Network & Location
A. Wifi
1. Galaxy Note s8 - Wifi Tether Help AM_7015 | A002 = Nougat 7.0 above, app (automagic) which need to turn on wifi hotspot, should be a system app (means must have root). Solved in Automagic 1.35.0
2. Wifi connection problem after Oreo 8.1 update AM_7131 | A002 = Condition wifi connected stop working in Oreo 8.1, because of improved security. Need to enable location mode to ensure it is working properly
3. I can not list available networks using automagic AM_7188 | A002 = Another case of wifi scan no result. Need to enable location first
4. philips hue? AM_3623 | A002 = Dealing with philips hue, another flow sharing
5. Very confused about how to manage WiFi AM_6193 | A002 = Trigger wifi scan result available, scanning for multiple BSSID with same SSID name
6. WIFI Scan: Get Level of specific BSSID? AM_6622 | A002 = Getting list of wifi scan result, with SSID, BSSID, capabilities, signal level, frequency using java method.
7. get wifi channel for currently connected AP? AM_6877 | A001 = Using map to get the wifi channel from frequency.
8. condition for open / protected wifi ? AM_6900 | A001 = Checking wifi is protected or not, Testing the statement "highest signal strength", workaround of SSID name with comma.
9. ping not working when screen off AM_7342 | A003 = Try to enable Keep wifi on during sleep, try to check the internet connection and test the execute command ping. Changing host may work
10. Set Wifi State not working in Android 8 AM_7344 | A003 = Set wifi State not working, probably caused by location/airplane mode. Link to disable wifi turning off when activating airplane mode
B. Bluetooth
1. G-Tag > Bluetooth BLE-tag > Webhook ? AM_6883 | A001 = Using G-Tag or any BLE device for automation
2. Bluetooth autoconect AM_7146 | A002 = Bluetooth auto connect when in car
3. been spending hours trying to work this out! AM_7306 | A003 = Turn off bluetooth when not connected and no music is playing everytime the screen is off.
4. Bluetooth zeitversetzt aktivieren im Auto AM_7314 | A003 = Bluetooth connected, immediately disconnect to allow other bluetooth device to sync finish before reconnect back
C. HTTP request, JSON, XML, data parsing
1. Autohue AM_3748 | A002 = Alternative method instead of autohue plugin; by using HTTP request to control and retrieve info from the bulb
2. App Starten AM_7009 | A002 = Open browser directly to the predefined URL
3. Domotica Tablet - switching lights on/of AM_7074 | A002 = Dealing with browser/url part, better use action HTTP request
4. Escape Sequence? AM_3088 | A002 = Passing JSON in HTTP request, escaping special character
5. Extracting information from Json AM_6196 | A002 = Convert JSON to map and process it just like a map
6. How to use api via http request AM_6748 | A002 = Example usage of HTTP request to use API from certain site
7. Get values from Http file. AM_6866 | A001 = Parsing data from proper html, using Xpath
8. How to retrieve Data AM_6878 | A001 = Parsing data from unproper html, can't use Xpath, must use Regex. With example that leads to the new findAll() function which now support regex group capturing in Automagic 1.34.0
9. Determine if login dialog in web browser is present or not AM_7031 | A002 = Replicate HTTP request with its parameter by checking Chrome Developer Tab
10. HTTP Request Trigger: response time AM_7092 | A002 = Automagic web server won't respond to the browser before the whole flow is finished. It Is by design (AM 1.34.0). Option added in 1.35.0 to finish the response Immediately. Workaround, by using Send broadcast/General Broadcast pair.
11. HTTP GET REST no response AM_7155 | A002 = Error 401, caused by authentication error. Automagic doesn't support old URL encoding authentication anymore. Use the authorization field instead
12. Network Traffic AM_7215 | A003 = Example usage how to count network traffic
D. VPN & Firewall
1. Q: Selective activation of VPN AM_2369 | A001 = Automatically connect to VPN, using OpenVPN or using Control UI (there is link to shared flow)
2. Using Automagic with OpenVPN AM_6971 | A001 = Shortcut created using automagic won't work because of extra parameter. Should use auto shortcut capturing
3. Automate Firewall AM_6975 | A002 = Use DroidWall or AFWall+ (NG 7.0+) which can be controlled using Automagic
4. OpenVPN AM_7223 | A003 = Start OpenVPN using Start Activity and passing username as extra
5. Turning VPNs on/off without hassle AM_6839 | A003 = Automating connecting to VPN by shortcut, using Control UI (Flow sharing)
E. Location/GPS
1. Alert when to leave work to catch the commute home AM_5773 | A001 = Using Google Direction API to calculate ETA to destination
2. Navigation Apps Auto turn on/off GPS AM_6899 | A001 = Automagically turn on GPS when using navigation apps and turn off after 1 minute of idle. Along with some explanation of scripting
3. Wi-Fi On/Off depending on Location AM_7024 | A002 = Combine both location trigger in single flow
4. GPS enable/disable fire no event AM_7068 | A002 = Detecting GPS is enabled, should use Trigger : Location Provider State - GPS - Enabled
5. Save parking place on google maps AM_7070 | A002 = As the title said
6. Location update rate AM_7105 | A002 = Location update rate varies from phone to phone
7. GSM scan no result AM_7148 | A002 = Need to enable location or set to high accuracy
8. Car UI Mode and Google Maps AM_6611 | A003 = Car UI mode cause the Google Map to launch and close immediately (Google Map's bug)
9. Change mock location app with Automagic AM_7286 | A003 = You can use Control UI to change the mock app. Or you can simply use execute root command appops to deny all other mock app and allow only the app you want
10. Location information AM_7244 | A003 = Getting street name, number, city, region of location from certain coordinate
11. Send Adress data from SMS to Google maps app AM_7284 | A003 = Parsing text from sms and open the location directly in Google Map
F. Geofencing
1. Geofencing AM_7137 | A002 = Several concept on how to setup Geofencing efficiently (accurate and battery friendly/charging)
2. Staying at the same position -> action AM_7189 | A002 = Geofencing at static location. Use distance() to calculate distance and check if it moves far from previous location
3. Wifi Geofencing AM_7326 | A003 = Simple Geofencing using wifi connected and disconnected, along with buffer (flow sharing)
VI. Time & Date
A. Date, Time, Calendar
1. Funktion addDays in einer Schleife AM_6819 | A001 = Mysterius time move back by one hour, caused by DST. Solution inside
2. Time trigger when powered off AM_6830 | A001 = Immediately trigger if time trigger missed the schedule; use GloVar Date/time trigger instead
3. Alarm Fired, Snoozed and Dismissed Triggers AM_6976 | A002 = Workaround trigger using General Broadcast or UI Event
4. Mehrere Kalender-Events vom gleichen Tag AM_7013 | A002 = Multiple calendar events on same day, need to use Query Content Provider
5. Calendar backup AM_7048 | A002 = Use other dedicated app to backup the calendar instead, if you don't want to use Query Content Provider
6. Alarm clock Trigger AM_7073 | A002 = Detecting special alarm clock is not possible. Just create the alarm in automagic
7. Condition: Time range from date to date AM_7113 | A002 = Creating condition time range for a longer period
8. Timer for call AM_7114 | A002 = Time scheduled action based on the time range
9. Calender Event doesn't trigger at the correct time AM_7117 | A002 = try to use option 'Like alarm clock'
10. no calender event AM_7172 | A002 = [Hard method] Querying calendar event list and check for if there is event at that day (there is easier method below)
11. Aktion auslösen wenn Kalender keinen Eintrag "Urlaub" hat AM_7175 | A002 = [Easy method] No Calendar >> do some action. Use condition Calendar Event. Bonus tips : Overcome huawei ROM optimization which tends to kill automagic when screen off
12. Simple help on "create calendar event" AM_7176 | A002 = When creating new calendar event, make sure to uncheck "All day", to ensure the created time is correct
13. date and clock sync AM_7178 | A002 = Auto sync clock (date time) to NTP server using root command
14. Stop a timer AM_7179 | A002 = If stop timer won't work, try to force stop - clear data the clock app
15. Sleep action and "Wakeup from idle/doze" AM_7251 | A003 = Use Global Variable Date Time instead if you have sleep longer than 5 minutes, to prevent wakelock (battery drain) caused by Automagic
16. Interval timer for work outs and other similar routines AM_6487 | A003 = Interval Timer for various routines that need timer (flow sharing)
17. Different alarm clock depending on shift AM_7210 | A003 = Multiple different alarm clock depending on calendar event (irregular working shift)
VII. Display
A. Custom Vendor Display
1. Manage LG G6 AlwaysOnDisplay with Automagic AM_7174 | A002 = Toggling LG G6 Always On Display from Set System Setting
2. Mate 10 Pro Always display information AM_7319 | A003 = Toggling Huawei Always Display Information thru Set System setting : aod_switch
3. ACTION - Set Screen Timeout - variable input AM_7324 | A003 = Custom Screen Timeout mostly won't work. Use Glovar Date/Time instead as the reverter
B. Homescreen, Wallpaper and Theme
1. Nova automate AM_7017 | A002 = Automatic redirect Nova default home screen to certain page when the flow is active (pressing home will always land in certain page)
2. Clear all recents AM_7209 | A003 = Two ways to clear Recent app : Control UI and dumpsys
3. Shortcut Icon Change of Icon via Launcher not possible AM_7220 | A003 = Action Launcher can't change Automagic shortcut icon at home screen
4. Favourite contacts AM_7299 | A003 = Just create the contact directly to home screen without using Automagic. But you can join multiple contact to single shortcut, by using Input Dialog to select them\
VIII. Media
A. Media, sound, volume
1. [SOLVED]How to set volume when phone is vibrate? AM_6853 | A001 = About how to create flow for power connected and disconnected; speak out the battery level
2. Volume per Audiostream AM_7084 | A002 = TTS volume sound is too low compared to music volume. Lower the volume temporary may help, and change the request audio focus
3. Volume edit AM_7086 | A002 = Increase volume incrementally
4. Max numerical value of any audio stream? AM_7133 | A002 = Detecting max volume step of the ROM. (use Bingwu's flow)
5. Play internet radio AM_7106 | A002 = Stream internet radio using Action Sound
6. Displaying an image AM_7216 | A003 = Use Widget to show images, you can modify it (resize, crop, scale) and re-save it to an image file
7. Detect any audio on media stream? AM_7268 | A003 = Use condition Audio Stream Active, with periodic timer to check it. Only enable the flow when needed, example only when certain app is open
8. Mute Phone AM_7269 | A003 = To mute phone (turn vibrate on), use action Set Ringer Mode
B. Speech Output and Voice Command
1. Speech input / voice control AM_5952 | A002 = Creating voice command and act upon it
2. Help with speech output saying a random fact AM_7040 | A002 = Creating flow with preloaded text containing fact or joke; random picking one and speak it out.
3. shell command to change a tts engine? AM_6834 | A001 = Change TTS engine via Set System setting or execute root command
4. How to launch Google assistant AM_7082 | A002 = 3 ways to launch Google assistant
5. Google Assistant AM_6507 | A002 = Detecting command words in google assistant and trigger flow from it
6. Custom Voice Activated Hotwords Trigger AM_7197 | A003 = There is not hotword detection yet in Automagic. Use Hotword Plugin instead, it is working great with Automagic
7. Google Home (Mini) AM_7200 | A003 = Triggering flow from Google Home thru IFTTT
IX. Input/Output
A. File, input output
1. Regarding root permissions AM_6895 | A001 = List, move, copy files action don't execute using root privilege even though we have granted root to Automagic. Use Execute Root Command instead
2. Permission denied?? AM_7161 | A002 = Init Variable Text File won't work on root folder, must use execute root command instead
3. How mighty is the Script-Action? AM_7059 | A002 = Concept on how to design auto file deletion based on their size and modified time
4. Error when try to delete a file wich not exist AM_6166 | A002 = Init the file list first and check for file existence before trying to delete it.
5. Move all files - except ... AM_6905 | A001 = Move all files except certain files
6. Dateinamen AM_7021 | A002 = Recorded image/video get overwritten by same name, use variable datetime to make the filename different
7. Sd fix AM_6921 | A001 = Can't access external sdcard (microsd), ways to check the Storage Access Framework, and workaround using Sdfix
8. saving on sd card AM_7173 | A002 = Granting External SD card access (Storage Access Framework) to automagic
9. Backup of photos to GDrive AM_7185 | A002 = Upload photo to Gdrive, use Action Google Drive Upload Files. It won't backup the same twice. No duplicate, only new ones will be uploaded
10. Access to system files AM_5750 | A003 = File observer for system file. Can be used to observe sys/class folder (example : battery)
11. Trigger "File Observer" without existing directory AM_6937 | A003 = Trigger File Observer support Variable, but the flow need to be disabled-enabled to reset the variable list
12. Help on the better way to copy/move files AM_7208 | A003 = Better method to move files is using App Task Started. File Observer triggered too many during a single file operation
13. Delete older files AM_6417 | A003 = Delete Files older than x days
X. Notification
A. Notification, Quick Setting, Toast Message
1. Copy Text from Statusbar notification to clipboard AM_6817 | A001 = Copy available text variable from notification
2. Android Oreo's Notification AM_6904 | A001 = Snoozing Oreo's notification has been added in Automagic 1.34.0
3. Quicksetting screen problem? AM_6996 | A002 = quicksettings() only open the first page. To open the second page, use scrollForward(x,y) to complement it
4. Notification action AM_7006 | A002 = Checking if flow is triggered from notification click action, by checking {action_number}
5. Quick Settings Tile icon AM_7094 | A002 = Quick tile icon optimal resolution : 72x72
6. Catching Automagic's own persistent notification AM_7287 | A003 = Instead of catching Automagic's own notification, use Trigger Automagic Startup instead
7. Action in Notification AM_7321 | A003 = Interact with the Action in Notification
8. Led notication lights? AM_7327 | A003 = Use Action Notification on Statusbar and check Flash LED
9. Phone answers when facebook message received AM_4255 | A003 = Send certain message to our phone and trigger certain flow. Can be use anti theft or phone locator app (example, our phone will produce an unstoppable very loud sound)
XI. Scripting
A. Parsing data and Scripting
1. how to get 2.5 from 5/2 AM_6670 | A002 = To get the decimal, you have to put decimal point at the divisor. No decimal point means integer division, result in integer too (no decimal)
2. Use a variable's value in the name of another variable? AM_6813 | A001 = Creating Dynamic variable (variable name based on the content of another variable)
3. search email address in a lookup file AM_6833 | A001 = Compare email address if It is on the list of the text file
4. [Solved] Special character in UI event not supporting all. AM_6887 | A001 = Backslash need to be escaped using double backslash
5. removeDuplicateElements AM_6941 | A001 = removeDuplicateElements() failed because one of the element is string, the other is number
6. Best way to initialize global variables? AM_6961 | A001 = Using if() to create a GloVar if it doesn't exist
7. Help regarding inserting multiple spaces AM_6979 | A001 = Concatenate strings (spaces) based on certain variable
8. Any tutorials for absolute non-programmer beginners? AM_6984 | A001 = General idea when first time use Automagic
9. Revisiting addMinutes (and all add with day, hour etc.) AM_6987 | A001 = Don't turn date/time variable to string if you still need to add/minus/manipulate the variable
10. Way to get display resolution AM_6989 | A001 = Detect device resolution using Java in script action or execute command
11. Ensure value of {flow_name} is correct AM_7011 | A002 = A brilliant way of using eval(string) to built custom function. And the workaround to overcome the variable {flow_name} being passed to the child flow
12. Re: remaining time washing machine (add time?) AM_7026 | A002 = Method to round a number, is by dividing it with the base and multiply it back with the base. It also shows 2 ways to get the duration between starting and ending time
13. Date() with a message I can't understand AM_7060 | A002 = Parsing Date string to date
14. Creating a string variable from a number variable AM_7071 | A002 = String ended up as number, since Automagic has intellisense to automatically convert a possible string number before perfoming math operations
15. fillcolor of widget not in hex code format AM_7089 | A002 = Checking color. Converting color hex code to integer using java.
16. Working with RGBa colors AM_7096 | A002 = Detect color on screen using screenshot, argb explanation
17. unix to date/time AM_7235 | A003 = Convert seconds in number to a Datetime. Need to multiply by 1000 first or using "s" in getDate()
18. Is there a CASE statement or a GOTO command? AM_7255 | A003 = No CASE or GOTO LABEL command yet, alternative way is to use Map, If() to protect each branching, using eval() with string. Bonus for ternary if() else
19. Expression freezes AM_7241 | A003 = A long Script/expression execution time can halt other script/expression in other flows. This is because Automagic use a global lock for script execution, to prevent thread/race condition. Sleep function inside scritp won't halt the flow anymore in Automagic 1.35.0
B. Map and List
1. Nested json? AM_6818 | A001 = How to access nested JSON, by first converting it to map.
2. Trigger Variable map AM_6826 | A001 = It is not possible to trigger based on individual element of list/map on global variable (perfomance reason). Use toJSON() or another additional GloVar instead
3. Iterate over map? AM_6966 | A001 = Loop over a map value and create GloVar from it
4. global_map changes if local_map changes AM_7111 | A002 = Map and list are object, assigning them to new variable only assign the pointer (reference).
5. addMapEntry to index 0 AM_7154 | A002 = Insert a new key:value at index 0 in the map
6. non existent array item AM_7183 | A002 = Testing a null List and assign value if error. Protect the null list from creating error. Using ternary if() else to compact the script
7. Storing Audio Volumes AM_7233 | A003 = Store Audio Volumes can't use Glovar Map. Use intermediate value and save that to Glovar. Included test flow for best practices how to use the GloVar Map to do iteration
C. Regex pattern
1. Create Condition filter incoming_number with wildcards AM_2788 | A002 = Matching incoming number with regex, + is special char, need to be escaped in regex
2. Regex pattern AM_6901 | A001 = Using regex to parse simple sentence
3. Help with Regex AM_7035 | A002 = Regex pattern to replace flow group name inside xml
4. split function AM_7049 | A002 = Alternative regex to split function.
5. Teile einer Variable in anderen Variablen speichern AM_7054 | A002 = Parsing temperature and humidity, save to variables
6. Either RegExp is wrong or "matches=" is misunderstood AM_7067 | A002 = Automagic regex tester works as it should be. But backslash should be escaped once more when used in regex related function
7. Greenify alternative: Automagic AM_7134 | A002 = Parsing data from dumpsys, finding recent app, and kill it
8. Anyone like regex challenges? AM_7328 | A003 = Match a single period at the end of line, but may not match if it has 3 periods
Last edited by Desmanto on 17 Apr 2018 16:58, edited 1 time in total.
Index of Automagic useful thread List of my other useful posts (and others')
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 (whyred), AOSP Extended v6.7 build 20200310 Official, Android Pie 9.0, Rooted.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 (whyred), AOSP Extended v6.7 build 20200310 Official, Android Pie 9.0, Rooted.
Re: Index of useful thread
XII. Accessibility
A. Control UI / UI Event
1. Control UI Tutorial AM_7320 | A002 = My Control UI Tutorial, will be updated when I have time.
2. List of Accessibility usage : Control UI / UI Event AM_7126 | A002 = List of Control UI / UI Event usage till the date I typed it
3. How much sleep do I need? AM_7108 | A002 = My common practice on how to set the sleep value between Control UI function
4. BUTTON Pressed-Trigger AM_3245 | A002 = Trigger based on certain key, must root
5. Is there any way to create a pdf in automagic premium? AM_6641 | A001 = Create PDF in chrome using Control UI
6. No Interaction AM_6854 | A001 = Clicking "Thanks" button that appear in app
7. Text display action AM_6888 | A001 = Catching displayed text on screen, either it is toast message or element with text
8. Detect current opened window AM_6894 | A001 = Detect current window and wait for it to be closed, or wait for text changes using simple while() syntax in Control UI
9. Detecting text at specific location AM_7012 | A002 = Same as above, use while() to wait until certain text appear
10. If scripting AM_6983 | A001 = Certain function only exist in Control UI, but not in Script. Use UI Event to detect text/element changes in app
11. What is the Automagic Premium Keyboard? AM_6992 | A002 = List of function that Automagic Keyboard provide, enabling us to "type automagically" to the screen
12. UI Event Trigger not starting AM_6994 | A002 = Troubleshoot UI Event won't start
13. Click(x,y) problem for paste AM_6998 | A002 = Control UI won't work inside Web frame, use HTTP request instead (has example)
14. UI interaction AM_7093 | A002 = Detecting the last touch on the screen using root command
15. Elements preloading causing triggers to start AM_7097 | A002 = Triggers start even though element is still preloading, use while() to wait for it.
16. How to close confirmation dialog or update its text if... AM_7109 | A002 = Reload the confirmation dialog with glovar new value when it changes
17. How to clear recent apps on screen off? AM_7122 | A002 = Control UI only works when screen is on
18. UI Event in immersive mode? AM_7124 | A002 = UI event not working in immersive mode (unsolved)
19. Trying to trigger based on icon (no elementid) AM_7167 | A002 = Sometimes UI element doesn't give any clickable id or text, need to use root command input tap x y
20. IF Element Contains "text" AM_7219 | A003 = Use UI Event to check for certain text
21. How to enter a text string in App? AM_7238 | A003 = Use setText2ById() to set certain field to certain text. Or you can use Focus() and paste() the clipboard
22. Nvidia Shied - Pause Button AM_7271 | A003 = To simulate a button, use Control UI with Automagic premium key. Or if rooted, can use input command. Alternative is to use Control Audio Player to send the pause command
23. Control Overlay (lollipop) AM_7302 | A003 = Control UI limitation, it can't interact with floating overlay/widget; as it only interact to foreground app
24. Overlay control appears to not work in Oreo AM_7329 | A003 = New limitation on Oreo 8.0, where Control UI will always appear below notification/quick setting
25. How to manipulate buttons when using control UI AM_7335 | A003 = A very tricky way to deal with checkbox button with dynamic label.
26. Cannot find out info on how to use AM properly AM_7346 | A003 = Testing value for System Setting. Finding Element Id require decompiling apk
27. Control UI count AM_7234 | A003 = There is no way to count or access UI list element yet (already explained and requested in this thread).
28. bounds coordinates? AM_7352 | A003 = Bound is showing x, y, width, height
XIII. System & Security
A. App, App info, permission
1. App Task Started - Requires Reset AM_6815 | A001 = Galaxy S8+ Nougat ROM doesn't work properly with App Task Ended Trigger
2. Temporarily disable "draw over other apps" via automagic? AM_7312 | A003 = Temporary disable Lux (auto brightness) using built-in plugin when opening certain app (banking app which doesn't allow draw over other app active)
3. App menu when connecting Bluetooth device AM_7230 | A003 = App Menu to choose launching certain app, including how to find the package name of any app quickly.
4. smart applock AM_3461 | A003 = Lock only certain app
B. Lock Screen
1. Unlocking Android AM_6856 | A001 = Action to unlock screen or dismiss keyguard
2. Turn screen on AM_6933 | A001 = Turn screen on won't work if automagic can't get wakelock ability
3. Device unlocked AM_7136 | A002 = Trigger after unlock device
4. Open keyboard when device locked AM_7095 | A002 = Before opening keyboard, the device must be unlocked first
5. How can I eliminate keyguard after phone wakes? AM_7205 | A003 = Double lock screen, Automagic can't interact with non standard lockscreen. You have to find the culprit and remove it first.
6. lockscreen wallpaper AM_7315 | A003 = Changing Lockscreen wallpaper prior to Nougat 7.0, using root. Prepare the wallpaper, find the location and replace it there.
7. urgent question AM_7339 | A003 = Activate lock screen without turning off the screen
8. SmartUnlock AM_3435 | A003 = A complete set of flows to secure the phone
C. Power Management, Battery, Charging
1. Driving me mad. AM_7292 | A003 = difference between "Becomes lower than 50%" and "lower than 50%". One is event, another is state
D. Execute command, root command
1. Re: lockscreen wallpaper AM_7315 | A003 = Various example of using execute root command
XIV. Intent
A. Intent, broadcast, start activity
1. Execute Automagic flow from tasker or any app which support send intent AM_6868 | A001 = Can be used to execute flow with parameter as well (useful for widget action)
2. Send/Share intent HELP! AM_6872 | A001 = Example of Send intent to send file via bluetooth. Intent Interception app is very useful to help creating the flow
3. Learning about Broadcasts and Intents AM_7027 | A002 = Using dumpsys and intent interception to helps creating send broadcast or other intent
4. How to start a flow from Lightning Launcher AM_7072 | A002 = Starting flow by receiving intent from LL
5. Can Automagic move icons on the screen? AM_7080 | A002 = Lightning launcher probably support to move icon from one page to another
6. Broadcast Receiver AM_7196 | A003 = Send an explicit broadcast to certain app name, but leaving the class name empty to make sure the app receive it
7. Try to share image with Automagic to send it via mail AM_7259 | A003 = Share to Automagic Intent Received, parse the image file URI and automatically attach it to gmail and send it. Some catch though on some apps with protected content provider
8. Help working with Twilight app AM_7283 | A003 = When the dev documentation is using service, use Start Service instead. Alternative method of creating Blue screen filter using widget
9. Sleepbot and Automagic AM_7317 | A003 = triggering Sleepbot using URL intent
10. How to set Action START/STOP FTP Server by Automagic AM_7261 | A003 = Starting MiXplorer FTP server using Send Broadcast (along with its parameter), include tutorial to copy file to SMB server
11. Online radio streamer controlled by AM AM_7242 | A003 = Online Radio
XV. Misc
A. Flow Sharing
1. Windows Recognizer AM_6898 | A001 = To detect the name of currently opened app. Useful for troubleshooting or helping in flow creation (to select the proper app name/class name)
2. Auto Call Speakerphone AM_6962 | A001 = Automagically turn on speakerphone in call, when proximity is far; and turn off when near
3. Screen Saver after no input for 10 seconds AM_6963 | A001 = Automatically showing screen saver after device idle for 10 seconds.
4. Keylogger? AM_4431 | A002 = Keylogger using UI Event
5. Restlaufzeit Waschmaschine (Zeit addieren?) AM_7026 | A002 = Remaining time for washing machine
6. Let's develop an assistant AM_4197 | A002 = Creating assistant similar to Google assistant
7. App usage time tracker AM_5893 | A002 = Track app usage and show total
8. Delay and Schedule a SMS Text Message AM_6511 | A002 = Prepare SMS and send later
9. Auto update dynamic dns AM_6968 | A002 = Find WAN IP and update It to
10. High Volume Warning - Another option AM_7005 | A002 = Auto press OK for High Volume Warning
11. Can I change the format of TimeDate for Send Flows? AM_7028 | A002 = Automagic 1.34.0. Rename Flow before sharing, to modify the format filename of the shared flow. This will be deprecated as soon as the feature is implemented in the new version.
12. Text Expansion 2.0 is here AM_7088 | A002 = Autotext, expand text when typing
13. CellID Recorder AM_7119 | A002 = To record Cell ID for use later in location trigger
14. Profile Switcher AM_7127 | A002 = Switch profile with certain trigger
15. Overlay timer AM_7276 | A003 = Timer as Overlay
16. sms2whtsp AM_7213 | A003 = Forward SMS to whatsapp
17. YouTube auto rotate AM_7224 | A003 = Turn on Auto Rotate when opening youtube and turn it off when exiting
18. Use your alarm to simulate sunrise with SmartThings AM_7237 | A003 = Wake up gently using SmartThings
19. Backup Flows To Google Drive Only If Modified AM_7227 | A003 = Auto backup Automagic's Flow to Gdrive
20. Triple Tap Power for Flashlight from Display Off AM_7257 | A003 = Triple tap to turn on flashlight
21. Variable Logger AM_7285 | A003 = A flow to log all of available variable from a trigger, flow or anything. (flow sharing) Look at Example Usage to get the idea
22. Airplane mode without root AM_6411 | A003 = Toggle airplane mode without root
23. Android Oreo- YouTube videos in VLC PiP (Picture in Picture) AM_7323 | A003 = Floating Video Player from Youtube
24. Drink water reminder AM_6522 | A003 = Flows and Widgets to remind drink water
B. Miscellaneous
1. Android Wear Mute AM_7120 | A002 = Sending variable to android wear to mute it (or change volume)
2. Automagic on Android Wear AM_7165 | A002 = Automagic Wear is extension of main app
3. Re: Can I change the format of TimeDate for Send Flows? AM_7028 | A003 = Various suggestion for Automagic, more example flow, script, more documentation
4. What to show off from Automagic AM_7191 | A003 = List of idea to impress/show-off to our families/friends about what Automagic can do
C. A little Out of Topic
1. Kill Apps after they've started AM_6861 | A001 = Uninstall annoying system app via adb
2. Reboot to recovery on failure AM_7270 | A003 = Automagic can't help in this case.
3. Wearable Device AM_7305 | A003 = Be careful when buying unknown wearable device, so many fake ones
A. Control UI / UI Event
1. Control UI Tutorial AM_7320 | A002 = My Control UI Tutorial, will be updated when I have time.
2. List of Accessibility usage : Control UI / UI Event AM_7126 | A002 = List of Control UI / UI Event usage till the date I typed it
3. How much sleep do I need? AM_7108 | A002 = My common practice on how to set the sleep value between Control UI function
4. BUTTON Pressed-Trigger AM_3245 | A002 = Trigger based on certain key, must root
5. Is there any way to create a pdf in automagic premium? AM_6641 | A001 = Create PDF in chrome using Control UI
6. No Interaction AM_6854 | A001 = Clicking "Thanks" button that appear in app
7. Text display action AM_6888 | A001 = Catching displayed text on screen, either it is toast message or element with text
8. Detect current opened window AM_6894 | A001 = Detect current window and wait for it to be closed, or wait for text changes using simple while() syntax in Control UI
9. Detecting text at specific location AM_7012 | A002 = Same as above, use while() to wait until certain text appear
10. If scripting AM_6983 | A001 = Certain function only exist in Control UI, but not in Script. Use UI Event to detect text/element changes in app
11. What is the Automagic Premium Keyboard? AM_6992 | A002 = List of function that Automagic Keyboard provide, enabling us to "type automagically" to the screen
12. UI Event Trigger not starting AM_6994 | A002 = Troubleshoot UI Event won't start
13. Click(x,y) problem for paste AM_6998 | A002 = Control UI won't work inside Web frame, use HTTP request instead (has example)
14. UI interaction AM_7093 | A002 = Detecting the last touch on the screen using root command
15. Elements preloading causing triggers to start AM_7097 | A002 = Triggers start even though element is still preloading, use while() to wait for it.
16. How to close confirmation dialog or update its text if... AM_7109 | A002 = Reload the confirmation dialog with glovar new value when it changes
17. How to clear recent apps on screen off? AM_7122 | A002 = Control UI only works when screen is on
18. UI Event in immersive mode? AM_7124 | A002 = UI event not working in immersive mode (unsolved)
19. Trying to trigger based on icon (no elementid) AM_7167 | A002 = Sometimes UI element doesn't give any clickable id or text, need to use root command input tap x y
20. IF Element Contains "text" AM_7219 | A003 = Use UI Event to check for certain text
21. How to enter a text string in App? AM_7238 | A003 = Use setText2ById() to set certain field to certain text. Or you can use Focus() and paste() the clipboard
22. Nvidia Shied - Pause Button AM_7271 | A003 = To simulate a button, use Control UI with Automagic premium key. Or if rooted, can use input command. Alternative is to use Control Audio Player to send the pause command
23. Control Overlay (lollipop) AM_7302 | A003 = Control UI limitation, it can't interact with floating overlay/widget; as it only interact to foreground app
24. Overlay control appears to not work in Oreo AM_7329 | A003 = New limitation on Oreo 8.0, where Control UI will always appear below notification/quick setting
25. How to manipulate buttons when using control UI AM_7335 | A003 = A very tricky way to deal with checkbox button with dynamic label.
26. Cannot find out info on how to use AM properly AM_7346 | A003 = Testing value for System Setting. Finding Element Id require decompiling apk
27. Control UI count AM_7234 | A003 = There is no way to count or access UI list element yet (already explained and requested in this thread).
28. bounds coordinates? AM_7352 | A003 = Bound is showing x, y, width, height
XIII. System & Security
A. App, App info, permission
1. App Task Started - Requires Reset AM_6815 | A001 = Galaxy S8+ Nougat ROM doesn't work properly with App Task Ended Trigger
2. Temporarily disable "draw over other apps" via automagic? AM_7312 | A003 = Temporary disable Lux (auto brightness) using built-in plugin when opening certain app (banking app which doesn't allow draw over other app active)
3. App menu when connecting Bluetooth device AM_7230 | A003 = App Menu to choose launching certain app, including how to find the package name of any app quickly.
4. smart applock AM_3461 | A003 = Lock only certain app
B. Lock Screen
1. Unlocking Android AM_6856 | A001 = Action to unlock screen or dismiss keyguard
2. Turn screen on AM_6933 | A001 = Turn screen on won't work if automagic can't get wakelock ability
3. Device unlocked AM_7136 | A002 = Trigger after unlock device
4. Open keyboard when device locked AM_7095 | A002 = Before opening keyboard, the device must be unlocked first
5. How can I eliminate keyguard after phone wakes? AM_7205 | A003 = Double lock screen, Automagic can't interact with non standard lockscreen. You have to find the culprit and remove it first.
6. lockscreen wallpaper AM_7315 | A003 = Changing Lockscreen wallpaper prior to Nougat 7.0, using root. Prepare the wallpaper, find the location and replace it there.
7. urgent question AM_7339 | A003 = Activate lock screen without turning off the screen
8. SmartUnlock AM_3435 | A003 = A complete set of flows to secure the phone
C. Power Management, Battery, Charging
1. Driving me mad. AM_7292 | A003 = difference between "Becomes lower than 50%" and "lower than 50%". One is event, another is state
D. Execute command, root command
1. Re: lockscreen wallpaper AM_7315 | A003 = Various example of using execute root command
XIV. Intent
A. Intent, broadcast, start activity
1. Execute Automagic flow from tasker or any app which support send intent AM_6868 | A001 = Can be used to execute flow with parameter as well (useful for widget action)
2. Send/Share intent HELP! AM_6872 | A001 = Example of Send intent to send file via bluetooth. Intent Interception app is very useful to help creating the flow
3. Learning about Broadcasts and Intents AM_7027 | A002 = Using dumpsys and intent interception to helps creating send broadcast or other intent
4. How to start a flow from Lightning Launcher AM_7072 | A002 = Starting flow by receiving intent from LL
5. Can Automagic move icons on the screen? AM_7080 | A002 = Lightning launcher probably support to move icon from one page to another
6. Broadcast Receiver AM_7196 | A003 = Send an explicit broadcast to certain app name, but leaving the class name empty to make sure the app receive it
7. Try to share image with Automagic to send it via mail AM_7259 | A003 = Share to Automagic Intent Received, parse the image file URI and automatically attach it to gmail and send it. Some catch though on some apps with protected content provider
8. Help working with Twilight app AM_7283 | A003 = When the dev documentation is using service, use Start Service instead. Alternative method of creating Blue screen filter using widget
9. Sleepbot and Automagic AM_7317 | A003 = triggering Sleepbot using URL intent
10. How to set Action START/STOP FTP Server by Automagic AM_7261 | A003 = Starting MiXplorer FTP server using Send Broadcast (along with its parameter), include tutorial to copy file to SMB server
11. Online radio streamer controlled by AM AM_7242 | A003 = Online Radio
XV. Misc
A. Flow Sharing
1. Windows Recognizer AM_6898 | A001 = To detect the name of currently opened app. Useful for troubleshooting or helping in flow creation (to select the proper app name/class name)
2. Auto Call Speakerphone AM_6962 | A001 = Automagically turn on speakerphone in call, when proximity is far; and turn off when near
3. Screen Saver after no input for 10 seconds AM_6963 | A001 = Automatically showing screen saver after device idle for 10 seconds.
4. Keylogger? AM_4431 | A002 = Keylogger using UI Event
5. Restlaufzeit Waschmaschine (Zeit addieren?) AM_7026 | A002 = Remaining time for washing machine
6. Let's develop an assistant AM_4197 | A002 = Creating assistant similar to Google assistant
7. App usage time tracker AM_5893 | A002 = Track app usage and show total
8. Delay and Schedule a SMS Text Message AM_6511 | A002 = Prepare SMS and send later
9. Auto update dynamic dns AM_6968 | A002 = Find WAN IP and update It to
10. High Volume Warning - Another option AM_7005 | A002 = Auto press OK for High Volume Warning
11. Can I change the format of TimeDate for Send Flows? AM_7028 | A002 = Automagic 1.34.0. Rename Flow before sharing, to modify the format filename of the shared flow. This will be deprecated as soon as the feature is implemented in the new version.
12. Text Expansion 2.0 is here AM_7088 | A002 = Autotext, expand text when typing
13. CellID Recorder AM_7119 | A002 = To record Cell ID for use later in location trigger
14. Profile Switcher AM_7127 | A002 = Switch profile with certain trigger
15. Overlay timer AM_7276 | A003 = Timer as Overlay
16. sms2whtsp AM_7213 | A003 = Forward SMS to whatsapp
17. YouTube auto rotate AM_7224 | A003 = Turn on Auto Rotate when opening youtube and turn it off when exiting
18. Use your alarm to simulate sunrise with SmartThings AM_7237 | A003 = Wake up gently using SmartThings
19. Backup Flows To Google Drive Only If Modified AM_7227 | A003 = Auto backup Automagic's Flow to Gdrive
20. Triple Tap Power for Flashlight from Display Off AM_7257 | A003 = Triple tap to turn on flashlight
21. Variable Logger AM_7285 | A003 = A flow to log all of available variable from a trigger, flow or anything. (flow sharing) Look at Example Usage to get the idea
22. Airplane mode without root AM_6411 | A003 = Toggle airplane mode without root
23. Android Oreo- YouTube videos in VLC PiP (Picture in Picture) AM_7323 | A003 = Floating Video Player from Youtube
24. Drink water reminder AM_6522 | A003 = Flows and Widgets to remind drink water
B. Miscellaneous
1. Android Wear Mute AM_7120 | A002 = Sending variable to android wear to mute it (or change volume)
2. Automagic on Android Wear AM_7165 | A002 = Automagic Wear is extension of main app
3. Re: Can I change the format of TimeDate for Send Flows? AM_7028 | A003 = Various suggestion for Automagic, more example flow, script, more documentation
4. What to show off from Automagic AM_7191 | A003 = List of idea to impress/show-off to our families/friends about what Automagic can do
C. A little Out of Topic
1. Kill Apps after they've started AM_6861 | A001 = Uninstall annoying system app via adb
2. Reboot to recovery on failure AM_7270 | A003 = Automagic can't help in this case.
3. Wearable Device AM_7305 | A003 = Be careful when buying unknown wearable device, so many fake ones
Last edited by Desmanto on 17 Apr 2018 16:59, edited 1 time in total.
Index of Automagic useful thread List of my other useful posts (and others')
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 (whyred), AOSP Extended v6.7 build 20200310 Official, Android Pie 9.0, Rooted.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 (whyred), AOSP Extended v6.7 build 20200310 Official, Android Pie 9.0, Rooted.
Re: Index of useful thread
Excelent and very helpfull for all AM users. Thank You
Like it!
Like it!
Regards, piskor
Re: Index of useful thread
Table of Content
I. General = General concept of Automagic, the flow, elements, Flow editing and several good practice
A. Automagic Official Tutorial : 4 links
B. Automagic Help and Various Documentation : 10 links
C. Automagic vs Tasker : 4 links
D. General Concept : 10 links
E. Flow and Trigger : 7 links
F. Efficient and effective Flow : 2 links
G. Flow Editing : 3 links
H. How to : 9 links
II. Troubleshooting = Troubleshoot if something not working, various workaround for many cases
A. Something won't work and the workaround (or Deal with it) : 14 links
B. Troubleshooting : 15 links
III. Widget = Everything about widget
A. Widget : 9 links
IV. Communication = Phone Call, messaging, socmed, email etc
A. Phone Call : 18 links
B. SMS, MMS, Social Media : 4 links
C. Email, sync and account : 3 links
V. Network & Location = Wifi, bluetooth, HTTP request, VPN, firewall, GPS & location, geofencing
A. Wifi : 10 links
B. Bluetooth : 4 links
C. HTTP request, JSON, XML, data parsing : 12 links
D. VPN & Firewall : 5 links
E. Location/GPS : 11 links
F. Geofencing : 3 links
VI. Time & Date = Date and Time
A. Date, Time, Calendar : 17 links
VII. Display = Home screen, wallpaper, custom display
A. Custom Vendor Display : 3 links
B. Homescreen, Wallpaper and Theme : 4 links
VIII. Media = Multimedia, speech output
A. Media, sound, volume : 8 links
B. Speech Output and Voice Command : 7 links
IX. Input/Output = File operation
A. File, input output : 13 links
X. Notification = Notification, Quick Setting, Toast Message
A. Notification, Quick Setting, Toast Message : 9 links
XI. Scripting = Scripting, Parsing Data, Map, List, Regex, Function
A. Parsing data and Scripting : 19 links
B. Map and List : 7 links
C. Regex pattern : 8 links
XII. Accessibility = Control UI and UI Event
A. Control UI / UI Event : 28 links
XIII. System & Security = System setting, Battery, Lock Screen
A. App, App info, permission : 4 links
B. Lock Screen : 8 links
C. Power Management, Battery, Charging : 1 links
D. Execute command, root command : 1 links
XIV. Intent = Intent, broadcast, start activity, Share intent
A. Intent, broadcast, start activity : 11 links
XV. Misc = Flow Sharing, Miscellaneous, OOT
A. Flow Sharing : 24 links
B. Miscellaneous : 4 links
C. A little Out of Topic : 3 links
For those who have ever read my first index before, you can find new index tagged with A003. I will make this tag for the next update too (don't know when). Some of the thread actually are old posts, but I just link it here, thus give it the new tag A003. You can also use find, to find the keyword for things you wanna search.
A001 25-Sep-17 6989 First time Index
A002 09-Jan-18 7189 Change the layout, grouped similar topics together to make it easier to find
A003 17-Apr-18 7352 Further layout change with extra header, much easier to navigate now. Added so many new topic. Added table of content.
I. General = General concept of Automagic, the flow, elements, Flow editing and several good practice
A. Automagic Official Tutorial : 4 links
B. Automagic Help and Various Documentation : 10 links
C. Automagic vs Tasker : 4 links
D. General Concept : 10 links
E. Flow and Trigger : 7 links
F. Efficient and effective Flow : 2 links
G. Flow Editing : 3 links
H. How to : 9 links
II. Troubleshooting = Troubleshoot if something not working, various workaround for many cases
A. Something won't work and the workaround (or Deal with it) : 14 links
B. Troubleshooting : 15 links
III. Widget = Everything about widget
A. Widget : 9 links
IV. Communication = Phone Call, messaging, socmed, email etc
A. Phone Call : 18 links
B. SMS, MMS, Social Media : 4 links
C. Email, sync and account : 3 links
V. Network & Location = Wifi, bluetooth, HTTP request, VPN, firewall, GPS & location, geofencing
A. Wifi : 10 links
B. Bluetooth : 4 links
C. HTTP request, JSON, XML, data parsing : 12 links
D. VPN & Firewall : 5 links
E. Location/GPS : 11 links
F. Geofencing : 3 links
VI. Time & Date = Date and Time
A. Date, Time, Calendar : 17 links
VII. Display = Home screen, wallpaper, custom display
A. Custom Vendor Display : 3 links
B. Homescreen, Wallpaper and Theme : 4 links
VIII. Media = Multimedia, speech output
A. Media, sound, volume : 8 links
B. Speech Output and Voice Command : 7 links
IX. Input/Output = File operation
A. File, input output : 13 links
X. Notification = Notification, Quick Setting, Toast Message
A. Notification, Quick Setting, Toast Message : 9 links
XI. Scripting = Scripting, Parsing Data, Map, List, Regex, Function
A. Parsing data and Scripting : 19 links
B. Map and List : 7 links
C. Regex pattern : 8 links
XII. Accessibility = Control UI and UI Event
A. Control UI / UI Event : 28 links
XIII. System & Security = System setting, Battery, Lock Screen
A. App, App info, permission : 4 links
B. Lock Screen : 8 links
C. Power Management, Battery, Charging : 1 links
D. Execute command, root command : 1 links
XIV. Intent = Intent, broadcast, start activity, Share intent
A. Intent, broadcast, start activity : 11 links
XV. Misc = Flow Sharing, Miscellaneous, OOT
A. Flow Sharing : 24 links
B. Miscellaneous : 4 links
C. A little Out of Topic : 3 links
For those who have ever read my first index before, you can find new index tagged with A003. I will make this tag for the next update too (don't know when). Some of the thread actually are old posts, but I just link it here, thus give it the new tag A003. You can also use find, to find the keyword for things you wanna search.
A001 25-Sep-17 6989 First time Index
A002 09-Jan-18 7189 Change the layout, grouped similar topics together to make it easier to find
A003 17-Apr-18 7352 Further layout change with extra header, much easier to navigate now. Added so many new topic. Added table of content.
Index of Automagic useful thread List of my other useful posts (and others')
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 (whyred), AOSP Extended v6.7 build 20200310 Official, Android Pie 9.0, Rooted.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 (whyred), AOSP Extended v6.7 build 20200310 Official, Android Pie 9.0, Rooted.
Re: Index of useful thread
Reserved another post, in case I run out the space. Each post only allow 60.000 characters My first 2 index post already consist about 75.000 characters (thus splitted to 2 posts).
Index of Automagic useful thread List of my other useful posts (and others')
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 (whyred), AOSP Extended v6.7 build 20200310 Official, Android Pie 9.0, Rooted.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 (whyred), AOSP Extended v6.7 build 20200310 Official, Android Pie 9.0, Rooted.
- digitalstone
- Posts: 342
- Joined: 21 Oct 2017 12:36
- Location: The Netherlands
Re: Index of useful thread
Thank you for all of this effort.
You're in collab with Martin or something? I never asked.
You're in collab with Martin or something? I never asked.
Phone: LG Nexus 5X (rooted vanilla Android 7.1.2)
Re: Index of useful thread
Not exactly. I never communicate to him outside of this forum. I have clarified it here : viewtopic.php?f=5&t=7028&start=10
I just love Automagic that I want to help it in my own way. I can't help with the app coding or development, but at least I can help a bit with the tutorial/explanation part. Automagic's documentation is very clear already, it is just the example of real world usage that need to be improved. If the forum is tidy, tutorial/example usages have been arranged, it will be easier for me to find my own post. Martin will have more time to spend in developing requested feature for all of us. Win win solution.
I have been doing something similar in the other forum since several years ago. (indexing useful post) So just my hobby and pleasure to do it.
I just love Automagic that I want to help it in my own way. I can't help with the app coding or development, but at least I can help a bit with the tutorial/explanation part. Automagic's documentation is very clear already, it is just the example of real world usage that need to be improved. If the forum is tidy, tutorial/example usages have been arranged, it will be easier for me to find my own post. Martin will have more time to spend in developing requested feature for all of us. Win win solution.
I have been doing something similar in the other forum since several years ago. (indexing useful post) So just my hobby and pleasure to do it.
Index of Automagic useful thread List of my other useful posts (and others')
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 (whyred), AOSP Extended v6.7 build 20200310 Official, Android Pie 9.0, Rooted.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 (whyred), AOSP Extended v6.7 build 20200310 Official, Android Pie 9.0, Rooted.
- digitalstone
- Posts: 342
- Joined: 21 Oct 2017 12:36
- Location: The Netherlands
Re: Index of useful thread
Well that's amazing. Working and fighting for what you love. As with more things, i wish that i had more time. I just don't. But i'm getting there, eventually
Phone: LG Nexus 5X (rooted vanilla Android 7.1.2)
Re: Index of useful thread
very nice idea...thank you for sharing