... dc4ddbffd8
Get BIRTHDAY notification of contacts on the status bar by using the CONTACTS app only.
The notification is displayed:
- 7 days, 10 days, 2 weeks, 3 weeks or 1 month before (interval is set by you)
- then 1 day before
- and on the birthday date.
- Longest interval of notification is set by you from a menu (7 days, 10 days, 2 weeks, 3 weeks or 1 month)
- Notification has actions to TEXT, E-MAIL and CALL the contact.
- Actions have the phone number(s), e-mail address(es) and a greeting message already PRE-FILLED.
- Notification shows the PHOTO icon of contact.
- Notification shows the AGE and birthday of contact.
- Notifications are sorted by the earliest to latest dates.
- Free, no ads, no invasion of privacy.

Customization and Requirements:
- Required: Google Contacts app
- For contacts who have a birthday, assign them to one of the three groups: Family, Friends, Coworkers
(It is not necessary to assign a group. Then, you would have to search through all 'My Contacts', which is inefficient.)
- Tap on the shortcut to launch the menu to set the longest interval for notification.
- Set your DEFAULT contact PHOTO in case the contact does not have a photo. In the script, where it says:
Code: Select all
if (isEmpty(myphoto))
The Flow:
2nd edition: ... dc4ddbffd8