Android Wear notifications

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Android Wear notifications

Post by Wibbly » 27 Nov 2017 16:29

Could Automagic 'emulate'/spoof the attachment of a Wear device and then trigger on Notifications sent to that device? Some apps filter their notifications nicely and it would be good to be able to access them. E.g. Google Maps giving directions as you drive. It doesn't seem possible to isolate these notifications from the persistent notification that appears on the phone. :-(

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Re: Android Wear notifications

Post by Wibbly » 01 Dec 2017 10:22

.. if the Android Wear app is installed, can Automagic 'see' the notofications sent to a wear device (even if it's not present)?

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Re: Android Wear notifications

Post by Martin » 03 Dec 2017 19:36

It might be possible, but it highly depends on the way the app that posts the notification is implemented.
There's no way to detect a notification when the app directly posts the notification on the wear device only. However if the app posts the notification on the main device and Android Wear app sends/syncs the notification to the wear device, it might be possible to detect. If I recall correctly, some apps post a notification and then immediately cancel the notification on the main device which has the effect of only posting the notification on the Wear device.
You can use a trigger Notification on Statusbar Displayed with the package name of interest and a condition Debug Dialog to see if the notification can be detected on the main device.


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Joined: 17 Mar 2014 09:02

Re: Android Wear notifications

Post by Wibbly » 03 Dec 2017 19:58

Thanks. i wasn't aware of Debug Dialog
