please read through.
1) "@" symbol is no more needed. So kindly remove @ symbol from your
shorthands. So from now on text_expansion.txt in the download folder
should look similar to this :
gn,Good Night
gb,Godwin Burby
2) Since @ symbol is not used, automatic text replacement will not
happen. So a custom green rounded widget is displayed whenever a
shorthand is typed. Pressing this widget will replace the text. This
widget will automatically hide after 5 seconds if not pressed.
3) The third major change is that now the text replacement will happen
only for the last word of the text. Before, it would work even when
text modification happens inside the whole text. This has been changed
to avoid unnecessary replacements when more than one shorthand is
available inside the text.
As usual, first create text_expansion.txt with all the shorthands and
expansions inside the download folder. Then execute "Text Expansion
startup" flow. Now you are ready to go.
As a bonus, @ symbol predefined shorthands are now available which
if typed will automatically be replaced with some useful expansions.
They are :
@dt - gives current date
@tdt - gives current date and time
@tm - gives current time
@dy - gives current day
@mn - gives current month
@yr - gives current year
Additionally typing any text with a preceding @ symbol will show all shorthands and expansions matching that text in a list and selecting a shorthand from the list replaces the above filter with expanded text. For example, typing @gb will show "gb" as well as "usr" (as "gb" matches shorthand "gb" and expansion "gburby" of shorthand "usr"). Selecting gb will expand text to Godwin Burby. This helps to recall shorthands that you have forgotten.
Hope you find these improvements useful

All the latest updated flows and widget is given below : ... 2ee75a9337