Small (?) request

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Small (?) request

Post by bogdyro » 15 Dec 2017 13:16

I constantly find myself searching for a flow in the list. I already have many groups set up,but even so,it's a jungle :)
I was thinking that an automatic group set up at the top with recently modified flows would be great,and maybe another one with recently ran flows.

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Re: Small (?) request

Post by Desmanto » 15 Dec 2017 14:51

Same here, kinda messy even though I have consolidate most of my one-trick pony flow. :lol:

I ever requested to add another level of grouping, so the subgrouping can be more tidy (current only 2 level : group > flow). But recent modified and running one also nice. They must still belongs to their group but only show up here because of the modification and execution.

Another grouping if I may add is the favourite or pinning group. Sometimes I am working on certain combination of flows. The flows are separated on several group, because they maybe part of the bigger flow (combination of several flows to one). So I would imagine pinning 3-4 flows which I am working on and shows them on the favourite/pinned group (while retaining their original grouping). After modification done, I can unpin them and remove them from favourite.
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