It also copies to the clipboard the entire Google Maps link, if successful, so you can send/share it with somebody, or save it somewhere (eg. mail).
Test everything before use and do not make this your primary "go back" method when hiking (or other critical scenarios)!
Possible failing points:
1. The flow enables mobile data (when needs it - and turns it back off if not needed anymore - but turns it back on and leaves it like this when it opens Google Maps), so you have to give "modify systems settings" rights through adb (or root your phone), otherwise it will fail. Read this on how to give this permission to Automagic on non rooted phones: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6899. You don't need to enable GPS (as in the post), just give permissions to Automagic. Or, delete the tiles corresponding to this action entirely (named: Set System Setting: Global mobile_data1) and manually enable mobile data.
2. "mobile_data1" in the tiles enabling mobile data is for sim number 2 on my phone. Adjust to 0 in case your phone is single sim (or whatever the number in your phone, eg. mobile_data0).
3. It uses ping to verify internet connectivity and get better location on some phones. Might also fail on some phones.
4. Notifications on non Pie (< v9) Android phones. Adjust accordingly if necessary, as there are no "notification channels" (and other options) on other versions.
5. You have to have Google Maps already installed, and in case it does not open, adjust the package names.
6. Can be adjusted to use GPS as well. When going back to the location, it is recommended to manually enable GPS based location.

PS. Tested and working on Android v9 (Pocophone F1 with MIUI 10.2)
Link contains 2 flows (enable both) and 1 widget: ... 21c151bf39