Background activity starts
Automagic will not be allowed to start activities anymore from background (when the UI of Automagic is not currently displaying in foreground).
This will affect many actions like Start Activity, Launch App, Launch Shortcut, Open URL in Browser, Input Dialog, Message Dialog and conditions Debug Dialog and Confirmation Dialog and likely some additional actions and conditions. Google changed its mind and starting with beta 4 of Q you can now grant permission Draw over other apps to Automagic to allow background activity starts again.
Link: ... ity-starts
Required change: v1.38 of Automagic asks for permission Draw over other apps for the affected actions.
Related issues:
Clipboard data
Automagic can not read the clipboard anymore when the UI of Automagic is not currently displaying in foreground and has input focus. This means that action Copy Text from Clipboard and trigger Clipboard Changed will be mostly useless when no workaround can be found.
Link: ... board-data
Workarounds: not known yet, just an idea for a workaround that could make the action work again, but not the trigger
Related issues:
Enable and disable Wi-Fi
Automagic will likely not be able to enable/disable WiFi anymore.
Many WiFi related actions will likely stop working sooner or later. Likely affected: Add/Remove WiFi Access Point, Enable/Disable WiFi Access Point, Set WiFi Access Point Priority, WiFi Reassociate
It looks like Google will allow apps to toggle WiFi when the app targets Android P or older: ... #comment18 so the feature will stop working as soon as Automagic targets Android Q.
Link: ... sable-wifi
Workarounds: not likely
Related issues:
Scoped storage
Apps will not have access to files in general on external storage anymore except when the file access is done via the storage access framework so a workaround should be possible (but untested).

Link: ... ed-storage
Workarounds: v1.38 uses SAF for file access on Q so the problem should be fixed. Google seems still to change quite some things in this area so more changes might be required with newer Q beta versions.
Related issues:,
Non-resettable hardware identifiers
Access to some device identifiers will be limited (MAC address, IMEI etc.).
Link: ... dentifiers
Workarounds: not likely
Feel free to check out the developer documentation that contains all disclosed restrictions:
The checklist page also summarizes the restrictions quite well:
Thanks & Regards,