by ariloc » 02 May 2019 23:10
If you want to know, you can look in Google for any tcp or any similar command you can send to the device. If not you may find people in forums talking about that. I know of the Xiaomi one. In fact, I have three similar to the one you link to. Those ones aren't compatible with any IoT enviroment officially except Google Home, neither is easy to communicate with those locally, because as far as I investigated, you need a token of some sorts to do that. I also have Sonoff switch, and as @Desmanto mentioned, you won't be able to communicate directly unless you install a custom firmware on them. Natively they are almost impossible to communicate with. Something that you can try to make most popular IoT products compatible with HTTP requests if I remember correctly, is to setup a device like an old PC or a Raspberry Pi with OpenHAB or Home Assistant on it, which are ondeof the best tools for local automation as they are very versatile and can connect to almost anything. For example, my Xiaomi plugs work with it (wasn't able to do with the Sonoff, but you can still control them somehow with maybe a workaround using IFTTT as I do, a combo with AM, HTTP Request and Webhooks, and that applies to every IFTTT compatible device). Though, they aren't that easy to get everything correctly with these, so look for what's best suitable to you.