Upper case for just the first letter of the word

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Upper case for just the first letter of the word

Post by Luca.Biraghi » 13 May 2019 13:07

I need help to find a way to upper the case of the first letter of each word of a string.

For example,
String: Today is a beautiful day
Output: Today Is A Beautiful Day

The upper and lower case function works on the whole string, not just the first letter of the words.
Is there a way to get the result I need?

Luca Birafhi

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Re: Upper case for just the first letter of the word

Post by anuraag » 13 May 2019 14:43

Code: Select all

string="Today is a beautiful day";
strings=split(string, " ");
for (i in [0 to length(strings)-1])
setElement(strings, i, toUpperCase(substring(strings[i], 0, 1))+substring(strings[i], 1))
output=join(strings, " ")

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Re: Upper case for just the first letter of the word

Post by Desmanto » 14 May 2019 11:26

Alternative method using regex.

Code: Select all

string = "Today is a beautiful day.";

find = findAll(string, "(\\w)(\\w*\\W*)", true);
output = "";
for(i in find)
  output = output + toUpperCase(i[1]) + i[2];
Regex syntax explanation
\\w = match the first letter of the word (abc...xyz, 0-9)
\\w* = match the rest of the letter of the word, in case of only single char word, this is blank
\\W* = match any non word (capital letter W), this include space, symbol, tab, etc
The brackets are to capture the groups, we have 2, :1st for the first letter, and 2nd for the rest and the separator

The advantage of this is it can detect double/multi spaces and non space char, example tab ("\t"). So even if
string = "Today//is a beautiful:day."
It still can properly uppercase only the words, keep all the fancy non space char intact.
output = "Today//Is A Beautiful:Day."


@Martin : how does the replaceAll() replace the matched group ($1 $2 $3, ....)? I am trying to solve this usage case, using only replaceAll(), with this script. It supposed to be 2 lines script only

Code: Select all

string = "Today is a beautiful day.";

output = replaceAll(string, "(\\w)(\\w*\\W*)", toUpperCase("$1") +  "$2");
//output = Today is a beautiful day.
But after several testing, it never convert the first letter to uppercase. I try to add "a" char before the $1, the "a" is converted properly.

Code: Select all

output = replaceAll(string, "(\\w)(\\w*\\W*)", toUpperCase("a$1") +  "$2");
//output = AToday Ais Aa Abeautiful Aday.
After more testing, I realized that $1 is always replaced only after all other function evaluated. That's why
toUpperCase("$1") is always evaluated to "$1" in each iteration,
toUpperCase("T") >> first iteration, toUpperCase("i") >> second iteration, ....

I read the explanation from javascript replaceAll() : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/614 ... javascript
The solution is to use function to overcome the replacement. But of course Automagic doesn't have function yet.
I tried something similar, by assigning the $1 to x first (I expect the $1 is replace by the captured group first), but still the $1 always only replaced at the end, after everything evaluated. Tried with eval() also give same $1 result.

Code: Select all

string = "Today is a beautiful day.";

x = 0;
output = replaceAll(string, "(\\w)(\\w*\\W*)", if(true) {x = "$1"; toUpperCase(x) +  "$2" } );
//output = Today is a beautiful day.
//x = $1, I expect this to be T, i, a, b, d (should be "d" as the last iteration)
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Re: Upper case for just the first letter of the word

Post by Luca.Biraghi » 14 May 2019 13:18

Thanks a lot for helping.
The 1st solution worked like a charm!


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