I've used the W(eather)Underground-app for several years (Android&iOS), but had to realize that it will be abandoned a few days from now.
Nevertheless, you can still get your basic data from their website. To call it with a/your weather station, you only have to identify its specific ID and run it in "Dashboard"-mode. So Automagic is at your service

a) Trigger > Shortcut > "MyWeather" (Or whatever title you prefer)
b) Action > Open URL in Browser > URL "http://wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/<ID of your weather station>"
Well, to get the correct ID you've to identify the location of your nearest weather station on this map: https://www.wunderground.com/wundermap
Once found, just click on its icon and you'll see a proper link labeled "Station ID". Done

https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/ ... 3-18/daily
... were the "from" + "until"-parameters can be set as {variables}. Btw, the "table"-parameter can be replaced with "graph" to get an additional option.
https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/KCAVACAV30/table/{getDate(), dateformat, yyyy-MM-dd}/{getDate(). dateformat, yyyy-MM-dd}/daily
PS. If you let Automagic assign the website's (default) icon to the shortcut it's looking blurry. If you download the wunderground app (as long it is still available) you c can assign the apps laser-sharp original icon to your shortcut. Much better!
Have phun