Documents flow

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Documents flow

Post by yogi108 » 28 Mar 2020 12:03

Hi there,
Just want to share and giving a little back to the community.

Document flow

Maybe you know the "CamScanner" app. I have used it a many times for "scanning" documents.

Invoices with a guarantee and other infos that you normally not find when you need them.
Unfortunately the app was "improved" again and again, so that I only have an old version of it on my cell phone.
This flow is built on the idea of ​​the app. Even if I personally "scan" with the camera, it is not a must and can be left.

The FlowTrigger
It is started by a shortcut or by exiting the camera app.

When the flow is started, it checks whether a global variable ("global_document_ini") has been created.
If this variable does not exist, it is created as a map to save default values.
The main menu consists of the following items:

  • 1. Open camera
  • 2. Copy files
  • 3. Change default values
main menu.jpg
main menu.jpg (13.95 KiB) Viewed 13855 times
"3. Change default values" consists of:
  • 1. Source folder (the folder where are files copied from
  • 2. Target folder
  • 3. Time in days
  • 4. Default day
  • 5. Trigger on app exit (Camera app exit)
default.jpg (39.48 KiB) Viewed 13855 times
A procedure as I use it is:
Set trigger for app exit to true
Start the camera app
Take photos of documents, invoices etc.
Exit camera app
Trigger triggers the flow and then I can select the files that I have made and also choose whether
to put them in the target folder or a folder below. You can create new subfolders also.
For me, one level below the target folder is enough to store
(corresponds to the label in the CamScanner app).
Set trigger for app exit to false, so it is not triggering after using camera for other things.
The files are copied and not moved (I have had some bad experiences with cut and paste under Windows and Android also).
The files are copied individually and also checks whether a file with the same name already exists.

Renaming is still on the todo list.
Notification in the status bar is set when copying and updated continuously.
At the end a dialog with the number of files actually copied is displayed.

In the flow options I have the max. executed actions per minute set to 200 - this might not be enough for many files,
but it is enough for my current needs. Flow execution rule is set to "Suspend".

It might also be worth considering comparing the target folder/subfolders with Dropbox etc.

I liked very much the CamScanner app, taking the photo, selecting the part of the image which is needed, cropping it etc.
So I can´t do that cropping etc. on my own in AutoMagic, I just edit the images after copying with another app.

Thanks to anuraag for help with the directory selection action and Desmanto for his general ideas and help.


The flow :-) ... 33fd79d24b
"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you.”
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga

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