Ok, now I see it already. Starting PWA from home screen will make it full screen and behaves just like native apps, although the PWA is actually opened by Chrome.
AFAIK from googling, the only way to execute the PWA full screen, is to add them to home screen and launch from there. If you have some launcher that support config exporting, such as nova launcher; you can export the configuration, take a peek at the config and get the intent. Example, nova export to /storage/emulated/0/data/com.teslacoilsw.launcher/backup/{datetime}.novabackup. Open this using zip explorer (I use MiXplorer) > Explore > Open the Launcher.db using SQLite editor (again, SQLite from MiXplorer), table "favorites" > find the PWA shortcut, you can see the intent there.
Example, I add 2048 game
Code: Select all
I thought I can replicate this in Start Activity, but seems to be protected by some permission or restriction. Some googling also say there is the restrition to home screen launcher shortcut only. Maybe someone can figure it out how to launch the shortcut.
So the only way to launch it is to use Control UI on Home Screen. Add the PWA to home screen first. It is better to add all the PWA shortcut to the same home screen page. Then to launch it, use action Show Home Screen, choose the page where the shortcut is. And the use Control UI to click at that home screen, most launcher protect their UI, so have to use click(x,y) version.