Code: Select all
am start "intent:#Intent;component=com.xiaomi.smarthome/.scene.SmartHomeLauncherActivity;S.extra_scene_account=1111111111;l.profile=0;i.extra_scene_id=222222222;end"
Action 'Kommandozeilenbefehl ausführen: am start "intent:#Intent;component=com.xiaomi.smarthome/.scene.SmartHomeLauncherActivity;S.extra_scene_account=1906229605;l.profile=0;i.extra_scene_id=473287919;end" in ' stderr=Security exception: Permission Denial: startActivityAsUser asks to run as user -2 but is calling from uid u0a141; this requires android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL
If i put command "--user 0" in the command line string there is no error in the log any more, but activity won't start and popup "Execution not possible" occures.
Is there a solution, or is it only possible to run that activity with root access?
I tried the action "Start Activity" too, but same problem.
Btw: Automagic is a great app!