Can't stop Automagic service

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Can't stop Automagic service

Post by mcyber » 13 Sep 2014 19:34

I'm running the last Automagic version. When I stop service Automagic restarts automatically.
I'm running AM on a tablet and a phone (Android 4.4.4 and 4.4.2)
Does anyone have the same issue?

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Re: Can't stop Automagic service

Post by MURTUMA » 13 Sep 2014 21:01

Out of curiosity, why would you want to stop it? That basically fights against everything Automagic is built for.

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Re: Can't stop Automagic service

Post by Martin » 14 Sep 2014 06:35


I'm not sure how this can happen. Could you please turn on Debug Log and Log to SD card in the preferences of Automagic, stop the service, wait until it restarts and then send the log file available on /storage/emulated/0/log.txt to me at


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Re: Can't stop Automagic service

Post by mcyber » 14 Sep 2014 11:16

MURTUMA wrote:Out of curiosity, why would you want to stop it? That basically fights against everything Automagic is built for.
Oh, it happened by mistake: doing something else and inadvertently shut down service. Nonetheless, for whatever reason you should be able to start and stop AM service at will (the reason why is a very subjective matter). Much more helpful would be to know if the same happens to you, as I kindly requested in the first post.
One more information for Martin if could help: I've 2 ongoing notifications always active. Could Android itself restart the service, under these conditions?
I'll send you the requested log.
Thank you for your always fast and helpful assistance.

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Re: Can't stop Automagic service

Post by MURTUMA » 14 Sep 2014 13:53

@mcyber: I did as you requested. I tested killing Automagic with and without ongoing/persistent notifications present. It doesn't restart until I reboot my phone(as I have set in settings).

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Re: Can't stop Automagic service

Post by mcyber » 14 Sep 2014 18:40

MURTUMA wrote:@mcyber: I did as you requested. I tested killing Automagic with and without ongoing/persistent notifications present. It doesn't restart until I reboot my phone(as I have set in settings).
(I haven't carefully read your post, sorry.) In your case e everything looks fine. In my case if there are some active ongoing notifications, service restarts, otherwise no. Looks like Android itself restarts service, is it? Maybe there's some kind of "cross-contamination" with other apps/services.
Thank you very much for testing and posting.

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Re: Can't stop Automagic service

Post by mcyber » 15 Sep 2014 18:47

I found the reason why Automagic won't stop. I have configured it as "resident" in an app named App Settings, a plugin of Xposed Framework. Basically this prevents an app to be killed (either by Android and/or user). Disabling it let Automagic be normally started/stopped.
I did it ages ago so I didn't remember it.
I'm sharing for anyone having or possibly having the same issue.
Thank you for his follow up to Martin and MURTUMA for testing and posting.

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Re: Can't stop Automagic service

Post by Martin » 15 Sep 2014 18:54

Thanks for the information! It would have never occurred to me that Xposed could be the reason for this issue.

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Re: Can't stop Automagic service

Post by MURTUMA » 16 Sep 2014 03:14

I have set Automagic to be resident too in Xposed App Settings. It seems to affect android's capability to kill Automagic but if I do that manually, the service won't restart.

I use unofficial GB port of Xposed framework. Maybe that behaves somewhat differently from official JB/KK version.

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Re: Can't stop Automagic service

Post by mcyber » 16 Sep 2014 16:17

MURTUMA wrote:I have set Automagic to be resident too in Xposed App Settings. It seems to affect android's capability to kill Automagic but if I do that manually, the service won't restart.

I use unofficial GB port of Xposed framework. Maybe that behaves somewhat differently from official JB/KK version.

My versions of Xposed and App Settings come straight from Google Play. I'm running Phoenix 18.8 custom ROM (4.4.2), on a Galaxy Note II. In App Settings I can stop AM service, if I need to, while this option is disabled in standard App Manager (probably because AM is configured as a Device Manager). The fun thing is that I have purposedly set AM as "resident" to further prevent Android from killing it and, in my phone, it works also if I kill it inadvertedly. More than I expected and perfect to me.
Maybe different flavors of the same Xposed modules and/or of the framework itself lead to slightly different behaviours, or different ROMs react in different ways with them. Who knows.
On my tablet (a very old P7500), running Nameless ROM (4.4.4) if I shutdown AM using the standard AM option it restarts everytime, while if I kill it by long-pressing AM notification and selectig the shutdown option from the resulting popup menu it doesn't. I'm also using Internet Speed Meter Lite on both devices (which sits on the upper bar and shows a persistent notification). Another software layer that could interact?.
For sure, if I remove AM from App Settings everything works as expected.

Thank you for digging further.

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