This post contains known issues with Android 5.0/5.1.
Known Issues:
- Condition App Process Running does not work properly on the latest builds of Android 5.1.1 (Build LMY48I) since Google requires a new permission to get the running processes on the system for privacy reasons. The new permission can not be acquired by regular third party apps like Automagic. A workaround attempt will be available in the latest EAP of 1.29. However this workaround will not provide all variables like lru, importance and process_state and uses unofficial methods so it might not be working on all devices.
- Action Set Mobile Datanetwork State only works with root since Android requires a new permission that can not be granted to regular apps like Automagic. There's no known workaround except by using action Control UI to semi-automatically toggle the setting. Due to some internal changes of Android 5.1 the action does not work anymore on Android 5.1 even with root (fixed in 1.28).
- [should be fixed in Android 5.1.1] Actions Take Screenshot/Start Recording Screen lead to a crash of the System UI on Android 5.1 when the check box Don't show again was selected in the screen capture confirmation dialog. This issue has been reported to Google. I recommend to not select Don't show again until this issue is resolved by Google. Automatically clicking the Start Now button with action Control UI could be a possible workaround in the meantime: create an action Control UI that's executed at the same time like the action Take Screenshot/Start Recording Screen and use script sleep(1000);click("Start now");.
- [should be fixed in Android 5.1] Action Set Lock PIN/Password does not properly set the lock screen to PIN/Password/None. This is an internal Android Lollipop bug. The bug has been reported to Google.
- Action Set Keyguard State: Off can lead to a black screen or non-functional home key when the action is executed and the device is currently locked. You can workaround this issue by disabling the keyguard after the device has been unlocked. For example with a flow that triggers on User Present. WiFi Unlock Example (edit the SSID and enable both WiFi flows but not the keyguard remover).
- Action Set Ringer Mode: Silent: The final Lollipop builds exhibit some strange behavior which is probably caused by some more internal Android bugs in the final Lollipop builds. Setting the ringer mode turns on 'zen mode' (aka Do not disturb, aka Priority interruptions only) but does not activate 'silent mode' properly. Invoking the action a second time sets the ringer mode to silent but the volume keys can not be used anymore to leave silent mode but one has to select the 'All' (allow interruptions) to leave this mode. I'm not going to implement workarounds for this since I highly assume that Google will fix this in 5.0.1 (or another minor update) and the workaround could introduce other strange problems. Btw. priority interruptions still allow non-priority interruptions to come through. Star this issue or this one (but don't comment) if you want to get updates about this issue from Google.
A workaround for some of the issues might be to use the newly introduced action Set Interruptions Mode to switch between NONE/PRIORITY/ALL. - [should be fixed in Android 5.1] Action Control UI: Some functions like click() don't work on some list items on Android 5 due to an internal bug of Android. The bug has been reported to Google and was recently marked as fixed in a future version (I hope they don't mean Android 6). Currently there's no known workaround except to use action Execute Root Command: input tap x y to simulate a touch on the coordinates on screen.
- Action Answer Ringing Call requires root on Lollipop, non-root Method 2 is not supported anymore. As a workaround you could simulate invoking the Answer-button of the notification with action Perform Action on Notification on Statusbar: Example flow. This workaround is language dependent so it's required to adjust the filter text in the condition that fetches the notification and the name of the button to click (the name of the action is case sensitive, use condition Debug Dialog to check how the name is written exactly. I will make action Perform Action on Notification on Statusbar case insensitive in the next version of Automagic).
- Actions Set Microphone Mute and Set Speakerphone State are not properly reflected in the UI of the phone app. Using action Control UI to click the buttons might be a possible workaround.
- [workaround in 1.26] Action Init Variables Network Traffic often returns zero for mobile data traffic. The issue has been reported to Google. A workaround will be available in the next update of Automagic.
- [extension implemented in 1.25] Commands used in action Execute Root Command might need to be changed/extended to switch to the correct SE context otherwise the device might crash/reboot or the command might fail. New option to set the SE context was added. SuperSU v1.97+ required (tested only on v2.20)
- [workaround in 1.24] Trigger App Task Started/Ended, Activity Started/Ended don't work anymore.
- [workaround in 1.25] Condition App Task Running does not work anymore due to the decision of Google to cripple the API for security/privacy reasons.
- [should be fixed in 1.24] The device crashes/reboots when root functions are enabled in the preferences of Automagic.
- [fixed in 1.24 for older Android L builds, should be fixed in EAP 1.25 for build LXP13D] Some root actions don't work anymore: Reboot, Shutdown, Set Airplane Mode, Set Mobile Datanetwork State
- [workaround in 1.25] Trigger Login Attempt: Failed crashes Automagic due to an internal error of Android L and the final Lollipop build. The bug has been reported to Google.
- [seems to be fixed in final Lollipop builds] Action Set Ringer Mode: Silent/Vibrate activates Priority interruption mode but does not deactivate when ringer mode is set to Normal again. This is an internal Android L bug. The bug has been reported to Google. The next EAP of Automagic contains a new root-action to change the interruptions mode to mitigate the problem.
- [should be fixed in 1.25] Action Silence Ringer does not work anymore.
- [should be fixed in 1.25] Action Remove Notification Missed Calls does not work anymore.
- [should be fixed in 1.25] Trigger WiFi Connected/Disconnected don't work when SSID is specified.
Let me know if you find other issues.
Please also verify if it might be an issues/bug within Android L itself (there are known to be several issues in general user interface components, date/time pickers, notifications, lock screens. bluetooth seems to have some issues too): ... ssues/list
Often problems are also reported to the regular android bug tracker: