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Moderator: Martin
- Posts: 2709
- Joined: 21 Jul 2017 17:50
by Desmanto » 26 Apr 2019 17:25
That is quite complex, I think maybe Martin need it to develop Automagic. But I don't think most of us can get the benefit of using it. As our scripting mostly short and will be paired to other action.
To debug the flow, I just use debug dialog :
It has helped and save me a lot of time from frustation.
Index of Automagic useful thread List of my other useful posts (and others')
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 (whyred), AOSP Extended v6.7 build 20200310 Official, Android Pie 9.0, Rooted.
- Posts: 26
- Joined: 17 Jan 2019 14:50
by hmast » 28 Apr 2019 17:39
If would be made, those that otherwise would not be interested will more likely to then become interested. Think big. There will be more sensors and ML implementation explosion to mainstream use. Only way without going towards more complexity is apparently staying dumb/primitive. The future is about how we deal with the increasing complexity. There will be more sensors and ML implementation explosion to mainstream use. It is about to taking advantage of doing it, getting the foot in the door to be a part of it. Doing innovation towards the sort of direction is something where I see the thing is going. There's great potential.
Possible=ISeeAWay, Impossible=IDontSeeNow, ImpossibleButImportant=WeNeedToFindAWay