Auto Pause Music Player or FM Radio to Read Aloud SMS Text

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Auto Pause Music Player or FM Radio to Read Aloud SMS Text

Post by geekeedee » 26 Oct 2016 19:09

While listening to music, if you get an incoming SMS text from some callers {wife, husband, friend}, this flow "pauses" the music and READS ALOUD the text message.

With a music player, the flow PAUSES the player, announces a new SMS text, reads aloud the text, then resumes PLAY.
With a FM radio, the flow TURNS OFF the music volume (silences the radio), announces a new SMS text, reads aloud the text, then TURNS the volume BACK ON to the level it was before.

While the music is on, the flow allows texts only from selected people {wife, husband, friend}, and limits the number of texts to 3 per 5 minutes.

Customization notes:
* Change the phone numbers of friends in SMS Received.
* Change the FM Radio app name in Service Running.
* Change the music player app name in Service Running and Control Audio Player. ... b93f9691ac

Screenshot_AloudText_b.jpg (148.11 KiB) Viewed 8998 times

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