Trigger User Not Present

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Trigger User Not Present

Post by clive.pottinger » 27 May 2020 16:43

I see that currently, one can use to User Present trigger to detect that the screen is active and the user has proceeded past the lock screen. That is great - actually, it would be wonderful if this could be a Condition as well as a trigger, but a trigger is good.

Is there a way to trigger on the opposite condition? A way to tell if the screen is turned off, or if the screen is on, but the lock screen is still active? If not, I would like to request such a trigger.

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Re: Trigger User Not Present

Post by Hit » 01 Jun 2020 05:01

I also like the idea that some Trigger can be Condition and vice-versa
I think you can use this Trigger temporarily: Display State: Off
