Action - Vibrate (Android Wear)
The action Vibrate (Android Wear) vibrates with a specific pattern.
- Vibrate when WiFi has been disconnected.
- Vibrate when entering a location.
Android Wear device
The target device. Variables are supported.
Pattern Type
Whether to use a predefined pattern or to enter/record a custom pattern.
Vibrate Pattern
The vibration pattern to use.
A custom pattern can be composed using a list of numbers in milliseconds to turn the vibrator on/off like 0,500,1000,500 (0ms pause, 500ms vibration, 1000ms pause, 500ms vibration).
A custom pattern can be composed using a list of numbers in milliseconds to turn the vibrator on/off like 0,500,1000,500 (0ms pause, 500ms vibration, 1000ms pause, 500ms vibration).